c++ Programming Glossary: ex.what
Boost: De-serializing a custom C++ object passed over ZeroMQ pull socket http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14565538/boost-de-serializing-a-custom-c-object-passed-over-zeromq-pull-socket Archive Exception during deserializing std endl std cout ex.what std endl catch int e std cout EXCEPTION e std endl std string.. Archive Exception during deserializing std endl std cout ex.what std endl catch int e std cout EXCEPTION e std endl std cout..
Reading a video with openCV http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14833553/reading-a-video-with-opencv cv Mat frame try cap frame catch cv Exception ex std cout ex.what std endl catch ... std cout Unknown exception std endl the program..
(static initialization/template instantiation) problems with factory pattern http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2851991/static-initialization-template-instantiation-problems-with-factory-pattern catch const std exception ex std cerr caught std exception ex.what std endl #ifdef _MSC_VER system pause #endif return 0 c static..
Safely checking the type of a variable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/311102/safely-checking-the-type-of-a-variable
Does Boost.Serialization serialize differently on different platforms? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3708842/does-boost-serialization-serialize-differently-on-different-platforms catch const std exception ex throw DictionaryException ex.what void Dictionary deserialize const char const data int length.. catch const std exception ex throw DictionaryException ex.what I compiled and tested the code on a Mac Snow Leopard and on..
How to print message from caught exception? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5282577/how-to-print-message-from-caught-exception ex Log ex.Message logs the message to a text file cout ex.what catch ... Catch all uncaught exceptions But use exceptions with..
Get std::fstream failure error messages and/or exceptions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/839644/get-stdfstream-failure-error-messages-and-or-exceptions exception ex std cerr Could not convert to int reason is ex.what Unfortunately the C Standard does not specify that thrown exceptions..
General strategies for memory/speed problems http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8860603/general-strategies-for-memory-speed-problems const filesystem_error ex fprintf stderr ERROR ' s' n ex.what return false return true c c optimization memory management..
How to get file permissions with c++ boost library? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9776050/how-to-get-file-permissions-with-c-boost-library p does not exist n catch const filesystem_error ex cout ex.what ' n' return 0 Output . a.out ~ Desktop test home usr Desktop..
std::thread creation throws exception http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9945391/stdthread-creation-throws-exception std cout done std endl catch std exception ex std cout ex.what std endl Build g Wall fexceptions std c 0x pthread g c home..