c++ Programming Glossary: echo_run
How to compile ASL (boost based Adobe C++ gui library) on linux? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6461621/how-to-compile-asl-boost-based-adobe-c-gui-library-on-linux not work when the command uses the redirection operator # echo_run echo @ @ r if test r ne 0 then exit r fi test_path hash 1 1.. source 1.0.43 asl_1.0.43.tgz if e ASL_DISTRO_NAME then echo_run CURL_CMD http ASL_DISTRO_SITE project adobe source adobe source.. o ASL_DISTRO_NAME fi if e APL_DISTRO_NAME then echo_run CURL_CMD http ASL_DISTRO_SITE project adobe source adobe source..