c++ Programming Glossary: ebp
What is exactly the base pointer and stack pointer? To what do they point? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1395591/what-is-exactly-the-base-pointer-and-stack-pointer-to-what-do-they-point DrawSquare calls DrawLine could anyone explain me what the ebp and esp are in this context From what I see I'd say the stack.. etc. Call function which pushes return address Push ebp Allocate space for locals My question last i hope now is what.. to call up to the end of the prolog I want to know how the ebp esp evolve during those moments I already understood how the..
Is delete[] equal to delete? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1553382/is-delete-equal-to-delete ptr 0041351D mov eax dword ptr ptr 00413520 mov dword ptr ebp 0ECh eax 00413526 mov ecx dword ptr ebp 0ECh 0041352C push ecx.. mov dword ptr ebp 0ECh eax 00413526 mov ecx dword ptr ebp 0ECh 0041352C push ecx 0041352D call operator delete 4111DBh.. ptr 00413535 mov eax dword ptr ptr 00413538 mov dword ptr ebp 0E0h eax 0041353E mov ecx dword ptr ebp 0E0h 00413544 push ecx..
How do exceptions work (behind the scenes) in c++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/307610/how-do-exceptions-work-behind-the-scenes-in-c @function _ZN11MyExceptionD1Ev .LFB7 pushl ebp .LCFI0 movl esp ebp .LCFI1 popl ebp ret .LFE7 .size _ZN11MyExceptionD1Ev.. _ZN11MyExceptionD1Ev .LFB7 pushl ebp .LCFI0 movl esp ebp .LCFI1 popl ebp ret .LFE7 .size _ZN11MyExceptionD1Ev . _ZN11MyExceptionD1Ev.. .LFB7 pushl ebp .LCFI0 movl esp ebp .LCFI1 popl ebp ret .LFE7 .size _ZN11MyExceptionD1Ev . _ZN11MyExceptionD1Ev..
Why does integer overflow on x86 with GCC cause an infinite loop? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7682477/why-does-integer-overflow-on-x86-with-gcc-cause-an-infinite-loop assembly of the loop if I recognized it properly .L5 addl ebp ebp movl _ZSt4cout edi movl ebp esi .cfi_offset 3 40 call _ZNSolsEi.. of the loop if I recognized it properly .L5 addl ebp ebp movl _ZSt4cout edi movl ebp esi .cfi_offset 3 40 call _ZNSolsEi.. it properly .L5 addl ebp ebp movl _ZSt4cout edi movl ebp esi .cfi_offset 3 40 call _ZNSolsEi movq rax rbx movq rax rax..
Unusual heap size limitations in VS2003 C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2469738/unusual-heap-size-limitations-in-vs2003-c ESI 00430F80 EDI 00430F80 EIP 0040B160 ESP 0013FDF4 EBP 0013FFC0 EFL 00000206 So the compare does appear to be against..
Find a function by it signature in Windows DLL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9644717/find-a-function-by-it-signature-in-windows-dll this for me 765DEA11 8BFF MOV EDI EDI 765DEA13 55 PUSH EBP 765DEA14 8BEC MOV EBP ESP 765DEA16 833D 749A5E76 00 CMP DWORD.. 8BFF MOV EDI EDI 765DEA13 55 PUSH EBP 765DEA14 8BEC MOV EBP ESP 765DEA16 833D 749A5E76 00 CMP DWORD PTR DS 765E9A74 0 765DEA1D.. 1 765DEA43 6A 00 PUSH 0 765DEA45 FF75 14 PUSH DWORD PTR SS EBP 14 765DEA48 FF75 10 PUSH DWORD PTR SS EBP 10 765DEA4B FF75 0C..