c++ Programming Glossary: easier
How to debug heap corruption errors? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1010106/how-to-debug-heap-corruption-errors forth are all worth mentioning but most of these are much easier to get running under nix than Windows. Valgrind is ridiculously..
Visual Studio support for new C / C++ standards? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/146381/visual-studio-support-for-new-c-c-standards C99 code and even has the same flags as gcc making it much easier to port code between platforms. Also the Intel compiler works..
Static linking vs dynamic linking http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1993390/static-linking-vs-dynamic-linking or in rescue mode . Static linking can make binaries easier to distribute to diverse user environments at the cost of sending..
Is it okay to inherit implementation from STL containers, rather than delegate? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2034916/is-it-okay-to-inherit-implementation-from-stl-containers-rather-than-delegate 5 c.end 5 Example iterator i nested types are especially easier Notice the value_type and allocator can change without affecting..
What is the point of function pointers? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2592137/what-is-the-point-of-function-pointers answer is f 42 Another advantage is that it is sometimes easier to inline calls to function objects than calls through function..
How can a Windows service execute a GUI application? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/267838/how-can-a-windows-service-execute-a-gui-application which will make deployment of your application much easier since it doesn't deviate from the standards used by other Windows..
What do 'statically linked' and 'dynamically linked' mean? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/311882/what-do-statically-linked-and-dynamically-linked-mean run it. This is both good and bad on one hand it allows easier updates and bug fixes on the other it can lead to programs ceasing..
Can we increase the re-usability of this key-oriented access-protection pattern? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3324898/can-we-increase-the-re-usability-of-this-key-oriented-access-protection-pattern it it could still be one abstraction cleaner and easier . 2 While it's not very difficult to use the macro can be seen..
What can I use to profile C++ code in Linux? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/375913/what-can-i-use-to-profile-c-code-in-linux the remaining ones will take a larger percentage and be easier to spot on subsequent passes. Caveat programmers tend to be..
How do I use arrays in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4810664/how-do-i-use-arrays-in-c virtually everywhere. C provides abstractions that are easier to use and less error prone std vector T since C 98 and std..
Easiest way to convert int to string in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5590381/easiest-way-to-convert-int-to-string-in-c string in C . I am aware of two methods. Is there any easier way 1. int a 10 char intStr itoa a string str string intStr..
What are the differences between pointer variable and reference variable in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/57483/what-are-the-differences-between-pointer-variable-and-reference-variable-in-c variable in C I know references are syntactic sugar so easier code to read and write But what are the differences Summary..
Object destruction in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6403055/object-destruction-in-c arrays. It makes writing correct and robust code much easier. reference counting smart pointers A dynamic object managed..
Unicode encoding for string literals in C++11 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6796157/unicode-encoding-for-string-literals-in-c11 and properly imbue it into the various places. This is easier said than done and I don't have any code on me to show you how...
Understanding the meaning of the term and the concept - RAII (Resource Acquisition is Initialization) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/712639/understanding-the-meaning-of-the-term-and-the-concept-raii-resource-acquisiti using objects in an invalid state. it already makes life easier before we even use the object. Now let us have a look at temporary..
How should I detect unnecessary #include files in a large C++ project? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/74326/how-should-i-detect-unnecessary-include-files-in-a-large-c-project get away with fewer header file dependencies to make it easier to see the cruft that you can remove. share improve this answer..
What is “rvalue reference for *this”? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8610571/what-is-rvalue-reference-for-this this never changes see the bottom of this post. It's way easier to understand it with this wording though. Next the following..
What is the difference between _tmain() and main() in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/895827/what-is-the-difference-between-tmain-and-main-in-c this int wmain int argc wchar_t argv And then to make it easier to switch between Unicode UTF 16 and their multibyte character..
What XML parser should I use in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9387610/what-xml-parser-should-i-use-in-c in this capacity but LibXML2 is here because it's a bit easier to work with. A SAX style API is a push API it starts parsing..