c++ Programming Glossary: dictionary
In C/C++, is char* arrayName[][] a pointer to a pointer to a pointer OR a pointer to a pointer? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3920729/in-c-c-is-char-arrayname-a-pointer-to-a-pointer-to-a-pointer-or-a-pointe below. Can anyone clear this up for me Thanks A simple dictionary. #include stdio.h #include string.h #include ctype.h list of.. p 2 advance through the list while p if p puts Word not in dictionary. printf Another y n scanf c c ch while toupper ch 'N' return.. clear for higher dimensional arrays. So let's analyze your dictionary list of words and meanings char dic 40 atlas A volume of maps...
Why is this cin reading jammed? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/478258/why-is-this-cin-reading-jammed The program bit that's failing is located inside void dictionaryMenu vector WordInfo wordInfoVector and reads cin.clear cout.. then add a synonym. The input for running the program is dictionary.txt 1 cute 2 hello 3 ugly 4 easy 5 difficult 6 tired 7 beautiful.. return myAntonyms string getWord return word void dictionaryMenu vector WordInfo wordInfoVector cout endl Would you like..
What is forward declaration in c++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4926105/what-is-forward-declaration-in-c share improve this question Chad has given a pretty good dictionary definition. Forward declarations are often used in C to deal..
Fast intersection of sets: C++ vs C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1060648/fast-intersection-of-sets-c-vs-c-sharp using System.Linq using System.Text namespace DictionaryPerformance class Program static void Main string args List.. int runIntersectionTest List int set1 List int set2 Dictionary int int theMap new Dictionary int int 100000 Now intersect.. List int set1 List int set2 Dictionary int int theMap new Dictionary int int 100000 Now intersect the two sets by populating the..
Algorithms and Data Structures best suited for a spell checker, dictionary and a thesaurus http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1524264/algorithms-and-data-structures-best-suited-for-a-spell-checker-dictionary-and-a a dictionary is there any DS better than Trie for Dictionary thesaurus no idea as match is made on meanings of the words..
iterator adapter to iterate just the values in a map? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/259240/iterator-adapter-to-iterate-just-the-values-in-a-map this facility with its Keys and Values properties of its Dictionary class. Objective C's NSDictionary similarly has allKeys and.. Values properties of its Dictionary class. Objective C's NSDictionary similarly has allKeys and allValues. Since I've been away Boost..
Data Structures… so how do I understand them? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3345611/data-structures-so-how-do-i-understand-them Sedgewick Introduction to Algorithms by Cormen The NIST Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures Sorting algorithms Tree traversals..
Does Boost.Serialization serialize differently on different platforms? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3708842/does-boost-serialization-serialize-differently-on-different-platforms to serialize a std map. The code looks like this void Dictionary serialize std string buffer try std stringstream ss boost archive.. dict_ buffer ss.str catch const std exception ex throw DictionaryException ex.what void Dictionary deserialize const char const.. std exception ex throw DictionaryException ex.what void Dictionary deserialize const char const data int length try namespace io..
Find valid assignments of integers in arrays (permutations with given order) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4625160/find-valid-assignments-of-integers-in-arrays-permutations-with-given-order bool ReuseBuckets get set private T emptyBucket_ private Dictionary int Dictionary int T buckets_ for memoization when ReuseBuckets.. get set private T emptyBucket_ private Dictionary int Dictionary int T buckets_ for memoization when ReuseBuckets true public.. less memory Items items emptyBucket_ new T 0 buckets_ new Dictionary int Dictionary int T private T GetBucket int index int size..
C++ string memory management http://stackoverflow.com/questions/608370/c-string-memory-management in C# to fire up a large text file 300 000 lines into a Dictionary. It took ten minutes to write and it executed in less than a..
Mapping between stl C++ and C# containers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/741054/mapping-between-stl-c-and-c-sharp-containers share improve this question Here's a rough equivalence Dictionary K V hash_map K V HashSet T hash_set T List T vector T LinkedList..
C++ ~ 1M look-ups in unordered_map with string key works much slower than .NET code http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8372579/c-1m-look-ups-in-unordered-map-with-string-key-works-much-slower-than-net-c in a real app. .NET implementation is written in F# uses Dictionary and is compiled for .NET 4.0 C implementation uses std unordered_map.. KeyString typedef std unordered_map KeyString SomeData DictionaryT const int MaxNumberOfRuns 125 const int MaxNumberOfKeys 6838.. int MaxNumberOfRuns 125 const int MaxNumberOfKeys 6838 DictionaryT dictionary dictionary.rehash MaxNumberOfKeys auto timer Stopwatch..