

c++ Programming Glossary: devicepath

how to get vendor id and product id of a plugged usb device on windows


statement displays the result as below qDebug pDetData DevicePath i get the result as 0x4 Whether i have any implementation mistakes.. dwDetDataSize NULL DeviceInfoData qDebug pDetData DevicePath qDebug QString fromWCharArray pDetData DevicePath else printf.. DevicePath qDebug QString fromWCharArray pDetData DevicePath else printf nNo interface ErrorExit LPTSTR SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces..

Get drive type with SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty


information using the SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA's DevicePath my device path looks like below usb#vid_04f2 pid_0111#5 39fe81e..

How to get the Drive Letter for the DevicePath


to get the Drive Letter for the DevicePath I am using Win32 API. Really i do not understand how to get.. Really i do not understand how to get the drive letter for DevicePath of a USB stick . can you pls explain it to me what i have is.. it to me what i have is SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA DevicePath using this Device path i get VID AND PID of the usb device my..



is my source coode HANDLE hUsbDevice CreateFile pDetData DevicePath GENERIC_READ GENERIC_WRITE 0 NULL OPEN_EXISTING 0 NULL UCHAR..

Find and eject a USB device based on its VID/PID


continue Open the device. HANDLE hDrive CreateFile pspdidd DevicePath 0 FILE_SHARE_READ FILE_SHARE_WRITE NULL OPEN_EXISTING 0..

How to get a list of video capture devices (web cameras) on windows? (C++)


ID d n var.lVal VariantClear var hr pPropBag Read L DevicePath var 0 if SUCCEEDED hr The device path is not intended for display...

Find and eject a USB device based on its VID/PID


the given drive. void ejectDrive TCHAR driveletter TCHAR devicepath 16 _tcscpy devicepath _T . devicepath 4 driveletter DWORD dwRet.. ejectDrive TCHAR driveletter TCHAR devicepath 16 _tcscpy devicepath _T . devicepath 4 driveletter DWORD dwRet 0 HANDLE hVol CreateFile.. driveletter TCHAR devicepath 16 _tcscpy devicepath _T . devicepath 4 driveletter DWORD dwRet 0 HANDLE hVol CreateFile devicepath..