

c++ Programming Glossary: dependentassembly

DLL redirection using manifests


x86 name LoadDll type win32 dependency dependentAssembly assemblyIdentity type win32 name EmptyDll version processorArchitecture.. name EmptyDll version processorArchitecture x86 dependentAssembly dependency assembly The Application folder containing LoadDll.exe..

Help with understanding why UAC dialog pops up on Win7 for our application


'false' requestedPrivileges security trustInfo dependency dependentAssembly assemblyIdentity type 'win32' name 'Microsoft.Windows.Common.. ' ' publicKeyToken '6595b64144ccf1df' language ' ' dependentAssembly dependency dependency dependentAssembly assemblyIdentity type.. language ' ' dependentAssembly dependency dependency dependentAssembly assemblyIdentity type 'win32' name 'Microsoft.Windows.Common..

How to select the version of the VC 2008 DLLs the application should be linked to?


assemblyBinding xmlns urn schemas microsoft com asm.v1 dependentAssembly assemblyIdentity type win32 name Microsoft.VC90.CRT processorArchitecture.. oldVersion 9.0.30729.1 newVersion 9.0.21022.8 dependentAssembly assemblyBinding windows configuration Note oldVersion is allowed..

How can I run a child process that requires elevation and wait?


microsoft com asm.v1 manifestVersion 1.0 dependency dependentAssembly assemblyIdentity type win32 name Microsoft.Windows.Common.. X86 publicKeyToken 6595b64144ccf1df language dependentAssembly dependency trustInfo xmlns urn schemas microsoft com asm.v2..

How to Enforce C++ compiler to use specific CRT version?


Debug . You should see a section similar to dependency dependentAssembly assemblyIdentity type 'win32' name 'Microsoft.VC80.DebugCRT'.. 'x86' publicKeyToken '1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b' dependentAssembly dependency For debug builds of course . You need to edit the..