

c++ Programming Glossary: dependancy

Using the Google Chrome Sandbox [closed]


are sandbox.lib base.lib dbghelp.lib There's another dependancy that's not entirely obvious from looking at the project though..

Const char conversion error


StdAfx + Header file - Order of inclusion in MFC application


I created an MFC based console application named StdAfx dependancy . The IDE created the following files for me. Resource.h StdAfx.. as below and I got the following errors. d codes stdafx dependancy stdafx dependancy stdafx dependancy.cpp 33 error C2065 'CHelper'.. got the following errors. d codes stdafx dependancy stdafx dependancy stdafx dependancy.cpp 33 error C2065 'CHelper' undeclared identifier..

Solving the Visual Studio 2010 AlwaysCreate rebuild issue


directory in my build tree. The binaries were marked as a dependancy so that they were copied before each build in case they changed... were copied before each build in case they changed. The dependancy checked looked at the timestamps of these files to see when.. when it was copied it would have the same mod date. The dependancy checked would note that hey this file's pretty old we have to..

C/C++: Detecting superfluous #includes?


question It's not automatic but Doxygen will produce dependancy diagrams for #included files. You will have to go through them..