c++ Programming Glossary: db
drawing waveform - converting to DB squashes it http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11091924/drawing-waveform-converting-to-db-squashes-it next time max 0 and that's great but I need to display in db so quieter wave images arent ridiculously small but when i make..
How do I run XPath queries in QT? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1286842/how-do-i-run-xpath-queries-in-qt The schema I'm parsing is the Rhythmbox DB format rhythmdb version 1.6 entry type ignore title title genre genre artist.. mb artistsortname mb artistsortname entry rhythmdb This is your basic XML Schema which has a collection of structured.. query QXmlQuery entries QString res QDomDocument rhythmdb Try and open the Rhythmbox DB. An API call which tells us where..
Unable to pass std::wstring across DLL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15177907/unable-to-pass-stdwstring-across-dll a dummy constructor Foobar Foobar long num IDbService db and all the values including the IDbService come across just..
How to use SQLite in a multi-threaded application? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1680249/how-to-use-sqlite-in-a-multi-threaded-application that one or more threads collide when they access the db file at the same time handle SQLITE_BUSY appropriately. Make..
Why does gcc generate 15-20% faster code if I optimize for SIZE instead of speed? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19470873/why-does-gcc-generate-15-20-faster-code-if-i-optimize-for-size-instead-of-speed 4004d6 41 55 push r13 4004d8 41 89 fd mov r13d edi 4004db 41 54 push r12 4004dd 41 89 f4 mov r12d esi 4004e0 55 push.. c2 eb 0b mov ebp 0xbebc200 4004e6 53 push rbx 4004e7 31 db xor ebx ebx 4004e9 41 8d 34 1c lea esi r12 rbx 1 4004ed 41.. 1 4004ed 41 8d 7c 1d 00 lea edi r13 rbx 1 0x0 4004f2 e8 db ff ff ff call 4004d2 _ZL3addRKiS0_.isra.0 4004f7 01 c3 add..
How to detect a Christmas Tree? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20772893/how-to-detect-a-christmas-tree proxthresh sqrt binimg.shape 0 2 binimg.shape 1 2 db DBSCAN eps pixproxthr min_samples 10 .fit Xslice labels db.labels_.astype.. db DBSCAN eps pixproxthr min_samples 10 .fit Xslice labels db.labels_.astype int # Find the largest cluster i.e. with most..
How do I guarantee fast shutdown of my win32 app? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/209086/how-do-i-guarantee-fast-shutdown-of-my-win32-app over it. The only disk IO I'm doing is in a transactional db so I'm not terribly concerned about pulling the plug on that...
fastest (low latency) method for Inter Process Communication between Java and C/C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2635272/fastest-low-latency-method-for-inter-process-communication-between-java-and-c only int j 123456789 String ret my record key j in db P.P.P.S hope this is not too much off topic but finally I tried..
C++ build systems http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2847730/c-build-systems like storing a hash of the preprocessed file in a sqlite db instead of using the timestamp even though you decide of your..
What is the meaning of prepended double colon “::” to class name? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4269034/what-is-the-meaning-of-prepended-double-colon-to-class-name Configuration tmpCo m_configurationDB pointer to current db and I don't know what exactly means the double colon prepended..
Maintaining a unique set of elements on different criteria C++ STL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4450095/maintaining-a-unique-set-of-elements-on-different-criteria-c-stl tag by_email member user_t string user_t email user_db First thing is the type of elements in the container. Then you.. to be unique actually From now on you just deal with user_db just like regular std multi_set with a small difference that.. information according to the indecies we created user_db load_information ifstream info_file information.txt user_db..
SQLite escape string c++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4820374/sqlite-escape-string-c INSERT INTO stuff `foo` VALUES ' q' bar sqlite3_exec db zSQL 0 0 0 sqlite3_free zSQL Produces a exception error The..
QSQLITE driver not loaded - where to put qt database driver plugins http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5151279/qsqlite-driver-not-loaded-where-to-put-qt-database-driver-plugins qDebug my library loaded sqlib.isLoaded QSqlDatabase db QSqlDatabase addDatabase QSQLITE qDebug Database error db.lastError.. db QSqlDatabase addDatabase QSQLITE qDebug Database error db.lastError db.setDatabaseName vimukti1234 qDebug db.lastError.. addDatabase QSQLITE qDebug Database error db.lastError db.setDatabaseName vimukti1234 qDebug db.lastError db.open QSqlQuery..
Why doesn't auto_ptr construction work using = syntax http://stackoverflow.com/questions/757465/why-doesnt-auto-ptr-construction-work-using-syntax #include memory using namespace std auto_ptr Table table db query select from t error conversion from 'Table ' to non scalar.. However the following line does work auto_ptr Table table db query select from t What is it about this definiton of the constructor..
Fastest way to find the number of lines in a text (C++) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/843154/fastest-way-to-find-the-number-of-lines-in-a-text-c is also used by for instance BSD Linux kernel or berkeley db. may be by using bitwise operations . As I told before there.. say use a DB idiot. But briefly in my case i can't use a db. c line count share improve this question The only way..
Application developers wanting to start web development? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1032245/application-developers-wanting-to-start-web-development MySQL http www.mysql.com Oracle http www.oracle.com OLE DB http msdn.microsoft.com en us library ms722784 VS.85 .aspx ASP.NET..
How do I run XPath queries in QT? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1286842/how-do-i-run-xpath-queries-in-qt but legible. The schema I'm parsing is the Rhythmbox DB format rhythmdb version 1.6 entry type ignore title title genre.. res QDomDocument rhythmdb Try and open the Rhythmbox DB. An API call which tells us where the file is would be nice...
Google Geolocation API library http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1535619/google-geolocation-api-library by web sites and or local apps. There is an online server DB you can query for detailed information and a local DB option.. DB you can query for detailed information and a local DB option you can query for location estimates when there is no..
Pattern name for create in constructor, delete in destructor (C++) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1846144/pattern-name-for-create-in-constructor-delete-in-destructor-c
How are exceptions implemented under the hood? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1995734/how-are-exceptions-implemented-under-the-hood or three tier application just by putting some Browser or DB attributes on your .NET code and the code would then automagically.. code would then automagically run on the client or in the DB. In order to do that the .NET code had to be translated to JavaScript..
How to use Redis within a C++ program? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2181474/how-to-use-redis-within-a-c-program a C program What would be the best way to use a Redis DB within a C program c database redis share improve this question..
Best programming language and framework for cross platform desktop application development? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4160162/best-programming-language-and-framework-for-cross-platform-desktop-application-d setup use Ease of deployment Support for some or all major DBs MySQL SQLite PostgreSQL MSSQL Oracle DB 2 Good support for.. some or all major DBs MySQL SQLite PostgreSQL MSSQL Oracle DB 2 Good support for network technologies REST or SOAP ftp ssh..
sprintf for unsigned _int64 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5140871/sprintf-for-unsigned-int64 100 char buf 128 memset buf 0x00 128 sprintf buf nOD DB File Size d bytes t XML file size d bytes fileSize dbFileSize.. printf The string is s buf Output The string is OD DB File Size 100 bytes XML file size 0 bytes c c format specifiers.. 100 char buf 128 memset buf 0x00 128 sprintf buf nOD DB File Size PRIu64 bytes t XML file size PRIu64 bytes n fileSize..
Developing Internet Explorer Extensions? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5643819/developing-internet-explorer-extensions with IE8 IE7 that's not an option. Maybe a SQLite DB or such It is okay to assume that .NET 4.0 will be installed..
HTTPS request with Boost.Asio and OpenSSL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7046370/https-request-with-boost-asio-and-openssl is trusted because it is already present in a certificate DB on the client I think that Chrome might have a more complete.. the client I think that Chrome might have a more complete DB than OpenSSL which is used by both cURL and your program . ..
Fastest way to find the number of lines in a text (C++) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/843154/fastest-way-to-find-the-number-of-lines-in-a-text-c Note I'm sure there will be people who might say use a DB idiot. But briefly in my case i can't use a db. c line count..
How can I resolve “error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol”? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/849238/how-can-i-resolve-error-lnk2019-unresolved-external-symbol database for it and stumbled accross SQLite. I created a DB with it and I created a static library project with Visual Studio.. main project. In the library project I created a class DBClass with a method AddFeedToDB CFeed f . The library project.. project I created a class DBClass with a method AddFeedToDB CFeed f . The library project uses the .lib file from codeproject..
Memcached on Windows (x64) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8896/memcached-on-windows-x64 OS and since it's an ASP.Net MVC solution with SQL Server DB the OS is either going to be Windows Server 2003 or hopfully.. Now they have made it part of their commercial No SQL DB offering called Membase. It can be configured to run in Memcached..