c++ Programming Glossary: days
Are the days of passing const std::string & as a parameter over? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10231349/are-the-days-of-passing-const-stdstring-as-a-parameter-over the days of passing const std string as a parameter over I heard a recent..
How do malloc() and free() work? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1119134/how-do-malloc-and-free-work to debug In the one case I was involved it took us several days to find the reason of the dump since it was in a total different..
Problems with Singleton Pattern http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1392315/problems-with-singleton-pattern I've been reading about Singleton pattern for last few days. The general perception is that the scenarios where it is required..
Compile time sizeof_array without using a macro http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1500363/compile-time-sizeof-array-without-using-a-macro just something that has bothered me for the last couple of days I don't think it's possible to solve but I've seen template..
Converting epoch time to “real” date/time http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1692184/converting-epoch-time-to-real-date-time year day int time int DateTime reduceDaysToYear time_t days int year for year 1970 days daysInYear year year days daysInYear.. reduceDaysToYear time_t days int year for year 1970 days daysInYear year year days daysInYear year return year int DateTime.. reduceDaysToYear time_t days int year for year 1970 days daysInYear year year days daysInYear year return year int DateTime..
Do you use NULL or 0 (zero) for pointers in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/176989/do-you-use-null-or-0-zero-for-pointers-in-c you use NULL or 0 zero for pointers in C In the early days of C when it was bolted on top of C you could not use NULL as.. than void which made it kind of useless. Back in those days it was accepted that you used 0 zero for null pointers. To this.. therefore had has to be avoided. That's less common these days. If you have to name the null pointer call it nullptr that's..
In C++, how do you clear a stringstream variable? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20731/in-c-how-do-you-clear-a-stringstream-variable constructor that takes const char but any compiler these days should be able to generate the same code in both cases so I..
Difference between files writen in binary and text mode http://stackoverflow.com/questions/229924/difference-between-files-writen-in-binary-and-text-mode the end of file. This is an unfortunate holdover from the days of CPM something about the sins of the parents being visited..
Floating point vs integer calculations on modern hardware http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2550281/floating-point-vs-integer-calculations-on-modern-hardware calculations were so slow approximately circa the 386 days where I believe IIRC that there was an optional co proccessor... that there was an optional co proccessor. But surely nowadays with exponentially more complex and powerful CPUs it makes no..
What is move semantics? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3106110/what-is-move-semantics Exactly how is that going to be initialized In the olden days of C 98 the answer would have been by the copy constructor ...
Is a string literal in c++ created in static memory? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/349025/is-a-string-literal-in-c-created-in-static-memory of memory since they never change. In the old compiler days you used to have static data like these literals and global..
Printing lists with commas C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3496982/printing-lists-with-commas-c assembly different classes having to do a C project in 4 days threw me for a loop. Not only did I get my answer I got a chance..
What's this STL vs. “C++ Standard Library” fight all about? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5205491/whats-this-stl-vs-c-standard-library-fight-all-about The STL was written by Alexander Stepanov in the days long before C was standardised. C existed through the 80s but..
Developing Internet Explorer Extensions? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5643819/developing-internet-explorer-extensions not be abled to answer since I am going on a trip... in 3 days I'm back but I'll try to come here in the meantime. share improve..
Implementing comparision operators via 'tuple' and 'tie', a good idea? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6218812/implementing-comparision-operators-via-tuple-and-tie-a-good-idea Even if I myself created that typedef I won't remember 2 days later what first and what second exactly was especially if they..
How to determine CPU and memory consumption from inside a process? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/63166/how-to-determine-cpu-and-memory-consumption-from-inside-a-process API GNU docs as well as on the Internet took me several days because there's so much incomplete incorrect outdated information..
What modern C++ libraries should be in my toolbox? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/777764/what-modern-c-libraries-should-be-in-my-toolbox start on a commercial app. What libraries are in use these days User interface e.g wxWidgets Qt Database General purpose e.g...
while (1) Vs. for (;;) Is there a speed difference? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/885908/while-1-vs-for-is-there-a-speed-difference will do the same operation a processor jump for both these days since they are optimized. c perl optimization performance ..
c++ passing 2d arrays to funcions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15908496/c-passing-2d-arrays-to-funcions std Global Constants const int NUM_MONKEYS 3 const int DAYS 7 Prototypes void poundsEaten const double DAYS int int void.. const int DAYS 7 Prototypes void poundsEaten const double DAYS int int void averageEaten void least void most int main const.. least void most int main const int NUM_MONKEYS 3 const int DAYS 7 double foodEaten NUM_MONKEYS DAYS Array with 3 rows 7 columns..