c++ Programming Glossary: datat
Parse quoted strings with boost::spirit http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10289985/parse-quoted-strings-with-boostspirit typedef boost tuple string string vector string string DataT DataT data std string str addx001 add 'str1' str2 str3' std.. boost tuple string string vector string string DataT DataT data std string str addx001 add 'str1' str2 str3' std string..
boost::spirit::qi Expectation Parser and parser grouping unexpected behaviour http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10378970/boostspiritqi-expectation-parser-and-parser-grouping-unexpected-behaviour using parentheses things compile but obviously DataT needs to be modified to match the changed layout. typedef boost.. std string std string std vector std string std string DataT The full code below shows how I'd prefer to do that using adapted.. OPTION 2 with expectations Using the modified typedef for DataT as shown above OPTION 3 adapted struct without expectations..
how to get vendor id and product id of a plugged usb device on windows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2935184/how-to-get-vendor-id-and-product-id-of-a-plugged-usb-device-on-windows i 0 SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo hInfo i DeviceInfoData i DWORD DataT LPTSTR buffer NULL DWORD buffersize 0 while SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty.. hInfo DeviceInfoData SPDRP_DEVICEDESC DataT PBYTE buffer buffersize buffersize if GetLastError ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER..
Get drive type with SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2989713/get-drive-type-with-setupdigetdeviceregistryproperty hDevInfo DeviceInfoData SPDRP_REMOVAL_POLICY DataT PBYTE buffer buffersize buffersize but i dont know how can i..