c++ Programming Glossary: d3d11createdevice
What can cause D3D11CreateDevice() to fail with E_FAIL? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10586956/what-can-cause-d3d11createdevice-to-fail-with-e-fail can cause D3D11CreateDevice to fail with E_FAIL I'm invoking D3D11CreateDevice with the.. cause D3D11CreateDevice to fail with E_FAIL I'm invoking D3D11CreateDevice with the following code ID3D11Device md3dDevice ID3D11DeviceContext.. createDeviceFlags D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_DEBUG HRESULT hr D3D11CreateDevice 0 md3dDriverType 0 createDeviceFlags 0 0 D3D11_SDK_VERSION..
Why is D3D10SDKLayers.dll loaded during my DX11 game? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8934374/why-is-d3d10sdklayers-dll-loaded-during-my-dx11-game code listing. EDIT Device Creation code is below. hr D3D11CreateDevice pAdapter driverType NULL rDeviceSettings.m_CreateFlags.. enumeration. if driverType D3D_DRIVER_TYPE_UNKNOWN hr D3D11CreateDevice pAdapter driverType NULL rDeviceSettings.m_CreateFlags..
Requirements for target application for Visual Studio 11's Graphics Debugger http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9696302/requirements-for-target-application-for-visual-studio-11s-graphics-debugger applications under the Graphics Debugger Alt F5 crash on D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain even if they work fine. On my Visual Studio 11 Beta.. works With further testing I found any attempt at D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain fails with a null adapter it runs but captures give.. DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC struct IDXGISwapChain d3d11.dll _D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain@48 VsGraphicsHelper.dll CHookedD3D11Top D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain..