c++ Programming Glossary: cubic
Convert a quadratic bezier to a cubic? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3162645/convert-a-quadratic-bezier-to-a-cubic a quadratic bezier to a cubic What is the algorithm to convert a quadratic bezier with 3.. algorithm to convert a quadratic bezier with 3 points to a cubic one with 4 points Thanks c c algorithm graphics vector share.. bezier.html Any quadratic spline can be expressed as a cubic where the cubic term is zero . The end points of the cubic will..
Fast Arc Cos algorithm? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3380628/fast-arc-cos-algorithm math performance share improve this question A simple cubic approximation the Lagrange polynomial for x 1 ½ 0 ½ 1 is double..
Checking if two cubic Bézier curves intersect http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4039229/checking-if-two-cubic-bezier-curves-intersect if two cubic Bé zier curves intersect For a personal project I'd need.. For a personal project I'd need to find out if two cubic BĂ©zier curves intersect. I don't need to know where I just need.. or on their end What's the correct way to find out if two cubic BĂ©zier curves intersect c intersection bezier share improve..