

c++ Programming Glossary: c4996

C++ Boost: what's the cause of this warning?


algorithm string detail classification.hpp 102 warning C4996 'std copy' Function call with parameters that may be unsafe..

Error in opencv code for motion detection


are the errors Cannot open surce file stdafx.h warning C4996 'fopen' This function or variable may be unsafe. Consider using..

Solving the Visual Studio 2010 AlwaysCreate rebuild issue


studio 10.4 include toolkit sectndlg.h 134 warning C4996 'strcpy' This function or variable may be unsafe. Consider using..

strdup or _strdup?


I use strdup in Microsoft Visual C it warns me warning C4996 'strdup' The POSIX name for this item is deprecated. Instead..

Does there exist a static_warning?


Visual C 2010 at W3 or above says warnproj.cpp 1 warning C4996 'static_warning1 _' Failed with 1 and 2 warnproj.cpp 1 see declaration.. declaration of 'static_warning1 _' warnproj.cpp 6 warning C4996 'Foo static_warning6 _' 2 and 3 oops warnproj.cpp 6 see declaration.. of 'Foo static_warning6 _' warnproj.cpp 12 warning C4996 'func static_warning12 _' Not so good on 3 and 4 warnproj.cpp..

Compiler Error: Function call with parameters that may be unsafe


its producing this warning atm iehtmlwin.cpp 264 warning C4996 'std basic_string _Elem _Traits _Ax copy' Function call with..

Why does MSVC++ consider “std::strcat” to be “unsafe”? (C++)


prefix and so on and so forth I get a warning warning C4996 'strcat' This function or variable may be unsafe. Consider using..

Why does calling boost:split() give so many warnings?


visual studio 10.0 vc include xutility 2227 warning C4996 'std _Copy_impl' Function call with parameters that may be unsafe..