c++ Programming Glossary: c2
Is there a difference in C++ between copy initialization and direct initialization? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1051379/is-there-a-difference-in-c-between-copy-initialization-and-direct-initializati A a2 A_factory_func double b1 0.5 double b2 0.5 A c1 A c2 A A c3 A In each grouping are these statements identical Or.. this means not a class type here . Read 8.5 14 . A c1 A c2 A A c3 A This is not doing the same. The first default initializes.. initializes a temporary and then copies that value into c2 Read 5.2.3 2 and 8.5 14 . This of course will require a non..
Convert double to string C++? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1123201/convert-double-to-string-c which it is throwing the error on storedCorrect count c1 c2 storedCorrect is a string array and c1 and c2 are both doubles... count c1 c2 storedCorrect is a string array and c1 and c2 are both doubles. Is there a way to convert c1 and c2 to strings.. and c2 are both doubles. Is there a way to convert c1 and c2 to strings to allow my program to compile correctly c string..
opencv multi channel element access http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1824787/opencv-multi-channel-element-access float 2 to represent CV_32FC2 or use typedef Vec float 2 Vec2f cxcore.hpp 254 See the source code to get more type that can.. more type that can represent your element. Here we use Vec2f access the element The easiest and efficiant way to access.. can access the element like this Mat m Size 3 3 CV_32FC2 Vec2f elem m.at Vec2f row col or m.at Vec2f Point col row elem 0..
Functions with return values (C++) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7376554/functions-with-return-values-c my main function as follows int main complex c1 complex c2 5 4 c1 c2 In the main above consider the statement c1 c2 . The.. function as follows int main complex c1 complex c2 5 4 c1 c2 In the main above consider the statement c1 c2 . The compiler.. c2 5 4 c1 c2 In the main above consider the statement c1 c2 . The compiler treats it as c1.operator c2 . When this function..
Difference between std::system_clock and std::steady_clock? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13263277/difference-between-stdsystem-clock-and-stdsteady-clock the table of 20.11.3 time.clock.req 2 In Table 59 C1 and C2 denote clock types. t1 and t2 are values returned by C1 now..
Portability of Native C++ properties http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5772480/portability-of-native-c-properties value instance setter value return this template typename C2 typename T2 T2 C2 getter2 void C2 setter2 const T2 Property.. value return this template typename C2 typename T2 T2 C2 getter2 void C2 setter2 const T2 Property operator const Property.. this template typename C2 typename T2 T2 C2 getter2 void C2 setter2 const T2 Property operator const Property C2 T2 getter2..
Dual emission of constructor symbols http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6921295/dual-emission-of-constructor-symbols T _ZN5ThingC1Ev 0000000000000014 T _ZN5ThingC2Ei 0000000000000000 T _ZN5ThingC2Ev U __gxx_personality_v0 As.. T _ZN5ThingC2Ei 0000000000000000 T _ZN5ThingC2Ev U __gxx_personality_v0 As you can see...the same function.. it here is a section of generated assembly .globl _ZN5ThingC2Ev .type _ZN5ThingC2Ev @function _ZN5ThingC2Ev .LFB1 .cfi_startproc..
Cross-platform way to get line number of an INI file where given option was found http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8358975/cross-platform-way-to-get-line-number-of-an-ini-file-where-given-option-was-foun UsagePage 12 Demo Output POSITIONINFO 1 Parse success L 1 C2 .. L1 C6 Cat1 L 2 C2 .. L2 C7 name1 L 2 C8 .. L2 C12 100 L 6.. POSITIONINFO 1 Parse success L 1 C2 .. L1 C6 Cat1 L 2 C2 .. L2 C7 name1 L 2 C8 .. L2 C12 100 L 6 C2 .. L6 C7 name2 L.. L1 C6 Cat1 L 2 C2 .. L2 C7 name1 L 2 C8 .. L2 C12 100 L 6 C2 .. L6 C7 name2 L 6 C8 .. L6 C27 200 #not skipped L 7 C2 .. L7..
Any Tutorials for Win32 SDK Programming? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/948686/any-tutorials-for-win32-sdk-programming the Petzold book http www.amazon.com Programming Windows C2 AE Fifth Microsoft dp 157231995X It's not online but worth purchasing..
Using Quaternions for OpenGL Rotations http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9715776/using-quaternions-for-opengl-rotations rRoll Roll Pi 180 Components float C1 cos rYaw 2 float C2 cos rPitch 2 float C3 cos rRoll 2 float S1 sin rYaw 2 float.. rPitch 2 float S3 sin rRoll 2 Create the final values a C1 C2 C3 S1 S2 S3 x S1 S2 C3 C1 C2 S3 y S1 C2 C3 C1 S2 S3 z C1 S2.. Create the final values a C1 C2 C3 S1 S2 S3 x S1 S2 C3 C1 C2 S3 y S1 C2 C3 C1 S2 S3 z C1 S2 C3 S1 C2 S3 Overload the multiplier..