c++ Programming Glossary: c2664
member function pointers and inheritance http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10021062/member-function-pointers-and-inheritance Create HWND UINT WPARAM LPARAM ... yields an error error C2664 'Windows AbstractWindow InstallHandler' cannot convert parameter..
Using a std::tuple as key for std::unordered_map http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11408934/using-a-stdtuple-as-key-for-stdunordered-map itr std cout x itr second.x return 0 Error Error 1 error C2664 'std basic_string _Elem _Traits _Ax basic_string const std basic_string..
_beginthreadex static member function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1259815/beginthreadex-static-member-function NULL NULL NULL This gives me the following error error C2664 '_beginthreadex' cannot convert parameter 3 from 'void void..
c++ dynamic array initalization with declaration http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17566661/c-dynamic-array-initalization-with-declaration 0 0 The problem is findScarf1 matrix 6 7 3 4 causes error C2664 'findScarf1' cannot convert parameter 1 from 'bool 6 7 ' to..
Why does my simple C++ GUI application show a message box in Chinese? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2079828/why-does-my-simple-c-gui-application-show-a-message-box-in-chinese put those in. It game me this error message Error 1 error C2664 'MessageBoxW' cannot convert parameter 2 from 'const char 22..
Pointer to a C++ class member function as a global function's parameter? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2463112/pointer-to-a-c-class-member-function-as-a-global-functions-parameter ftol Unfortunately I get a compiler error which says error C2664 'lmdif' cannot convert parameter 1 from 'int __thiscall LT_Calibrator..
I want to convert std::string into a const wchar_t * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/246806/i-want-to-convert-stdstring-into-a-const-wchar-t I used loadU str the VS2005 compiler says Error 7 error C2664 cannot convert parameter 1 from 'std string __w64 ' to 'const..
converting string to int in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2634558/converting-string-to-int-in-c year When I run the code I get the following error error C2664 'atoi' cannot convert parameter 1 from 'std string' to 'const..
demote boost::function to a plain function pointer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/282372/demote-boostfunction-to-a-plain-function-pointer void triggerProc ... InitVariable triggerProc error C2664 'InitVariable' cannot convert parameter 1 from 'boost function.. bound functor directly but then I get similar error error C2664 'blah void __cdecl type void ' cannot convert parameter 1 from..
Multiple Inheritance Template Class http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3360892/multiple-inheritance-template-class the 'submit' in base 'queue messageB ' . main.cpp 22 error C2664 'queue T submit' cannot convert parameter 1 from 'messageB'..
Virtual function implemented in base class not being found by compiler http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3678197/virtual-function-implemented-in-base-class-not-being-found-by-compiler one I'm using Visual C 2008. The error message is error C2664 'Derived func' cannot convert parameter 1 from 'One' to 'Two..
Is this' type variableofType()' function or object? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/420099/is-this-type-variableoftype-function-or-object varName name pName new name add pName add varName error C2664 'add' cannot convert parameter 1 from 'name __cdecl void ' to..
cannot convert parameter 1 from 'char *' to 'LPCWSTR' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5480588/cannot-convert-parameter-1-from-char-to-lpcwstr from an example however i'm now getting the error error C2664 'auxDIBImageLoadW' cannot convert parameter 1 from 'char ' to..