c++ Programming Glossary: beat
C++ (and maths) : fast approximation of a trigonometric function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11261170/c-and-maths-fast-approximation-of-a-trigonometric-function function acos in C I'd like to know if I can significantly beat the standard one. But some of you might have insights on my..
C++ versus D [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/146850/c-versus-d well defined subset of the language. It's still hard to beat C when both raw performance and small memory usage are required...
What platforms have something other than 8-bit char? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2098149/what-platforms-have-something-other-than-8-bit-char Then again at the time hand coded assembler easily beat what the available C compilers could do so I didn't really get..
fast, clean, C, timsort implementation? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2556935/fast-clean-c-timsort-implementation
Performance of C++ vs Virtual Machine languages in high frequency finance http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3175072/performance-of-c-vs-virtual-machine-languages-in-high-frequency-finance claims that Java based high frequency trading is always beaten by C and that he'd been in a situation where this was the.. is running so you'd think they's use that run time info to beat the performance of the unmanaged program. Perhaps these guys.. that a well coded parser running on 3GHZ commodity HW can beat a 500MHz FPGA. But even if a tiny bit slower not saying they..
faster than binary search for ordered list http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4057258/faster-than-binary-search-for-ordered-list terms of n is O sqrt log n . Otherwise there is no way to beat O log n unless there are patterns in the input sequence. There.. in the input sequence. There are two approaches used to beat O log n in the case of integers. First you can use y fast trees..
C++ performance challenge: integer to std::string conversion http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4351371/c-performance-challenge-integer-to-stdstring-conversion challenge integer to std string conversion Can anyone beat the performance of my integer to std string code linked below..
Missing number(s) Interview Question Redux http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4406110/missing-numbers-interview-question-redux goes in a real execution I think the counting sort would beat all other solutions hands down. Note the counting sort does..
What's the rationale for null terminated strings? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4418708/whats-the-rationale-for-null-terminated-strings etc use length prefixed strings. These languages usually beat C in string manipulation benchmarks because they are more efficient..
What advantages does modern Fortran have over modern C++? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4821913/what-advantages-does-modern-fortran-have-over-modern-c library support for number crunching simply cannot be beat. The best code is nearly always going to be the well debugged..
Integer division algorithm http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5097383/integer-division-algorithm for different platforms so I'm certainly not trying to beat it in general that seems as much fruitful as attacking a tank..
C++ - interval tree implementation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5407814/c-interval-tree-implementation vector based interval tree implementation with sorting can beat the generic interval tree with O lg operations in practice ..
C++ string memory management http://stackoverflow.com/questions/608370/c-string-memory-management more respect after that. The GC allocator is impossible to beat. Check this blog post for the links. This blog post might interest..
Have a good hash function for a C++ hash table? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/628790/have-a-good-hash-function-for-a-c-hash-table
Managing stack with Lua and C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6511432/managing-stack-with-lua-and-c for the std vector 's default allocation scheme to beat you in number of allocations for large datasets. So in that..
Efficiently convert between Hex, Binary, and Decimal in C/C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/819487/efficiently-convert-between-hex-binary-and-decimal-in-c-c any base and so forth. For some domains it is possible to beat the library functions. So measure first and if the performance..
constexpr overloading http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8936549/constexpr-overloading with g If I call fib with a constexpr argument I can't beat do better than the compiler optimizing away the function call..
System() calls in C++ and their roles in programming http://stackoverflow.com/questions/900666/system-calls-in-c-and-their-roles-in-programming user to press a single button cin.get will be very hard to beat. In this case your applications process will just block on stdin..