c++ Programming Glossary: bat
Why can't I define variables in classes? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11440804/why-cant-i-define-variables-in-classes however will because you're initializing it off the bat class myClass private const int x public myClass x 4 Note also..
ShellExecute() not working with .bat file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16621911/shellexecute-not-working-with-bat-file not working with .bat file I trying to execute following bat file in c using win32.. not working with .bat file I trying to execute following bat file in c using win32 api.Following is code for execution. #include.. int argc _TCHAR argv ShellExecute GetDesktopWindow sa.bat NULL NULL SW_SHOWNORMAL DWORD LastError GetLastError return..
What should be contained in a global source code control ignore pattern for Visual Studio 2010? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2538149/what-should-be-contained-in-a-global-source-code-control-ignore-pattern-for-visu what's safe to add to my global ignore pattern Off the bat I'd assume .sdf .opensdf but what else c visual studio 2010..
Paths and CreateProcess http://stackoverflow.com/questions/265650/paths-and-createprocess why something like this would not have just failed off the bat. So the code would look something like below and the szCommandLine..
Function References http://stackoverflow.com/questions/480248/function-references helpful The only place I can see them being useful off the bat is binding a reference to a certain function when working with..
AJAX response not valid in C++ but Apache http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4861935/ajax-response-not-valid-in-c-but-apache to auto respond and the answer from the 'bad' answer still bat. So after that i replaced the bad with the good and nothing..
QVector vs QList http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6602036/qvector-vs-qlist also be a reason to start off with QVector right off the bat. If you are asking about containers in general and just used..
Is there a tool for cross platform continuous integration (c++ Win32 and linux) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/870469/is-there-a-tool-for-cross-platform-continuous-integration-c-win32-and-linux for Win32 and Linux. Right now we have some scripts bat files for win32 that run on a schedule to do builds. We'd like..