c++ Programming Glossary: ate
C++ iostream Corruption using stringstream http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10110048/c-iostream-corruption-using-stringstream const os .str std cout os.rdbuf LeaveCriticalSection s private CRITICAL_SECTION s Notice that I've tried two approaches to.. ' you start writing at the position indicator replacing whatever was there before. To work around this you can initialize.. Another stringstream in stringstream out std stringstream ate as per http www.cplusplus.com reference iostream stringstream..
C++ Filehandling: Difference between ios:app and ios:ate? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10359702/c-filehandling-difference-between-iosapp-and-iosate Filehandling Difference between ios app and ios ate I'm pretty new to C and am trying to understand the difference.. C and am trying to understand the difference between ios ate and ios app when writing to a file. I'm pretty sure that ios.. the ability to move around in the file whereas with ios ate it can only read write at the end of the file. Is this correct..
Difference in using read/write when stream is opened with/without ios::binary mode http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12766636/difference-in-using-read-write-when-stream-is-opened-with-without-iosbinary-mo I did not find any particular difference whether i created the streams with without the ios binary mode int main ifstream.. mode int main ifstream ostr Main.cpp ios in ios binary ios ate if ostr.is_open int size ostr.tellg char memBlock new char.. difference between the read write calls which are associated with binary file IO when an fstream object is opened with without..
Stuck on C++ functions and arrays [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13280921/stuck-on-c-functions-and-arrays average int index int dayCount double amount double amountEaten double weekdays int double mostEaten double weekdays int double.. amount double amountEaten double weekdays int double mostEaten double weekdays int double leastEaten double weekdays int int.. int double mostEaten double weekdays int double leastEaten double weekdays int int main cout Ch 7 4 Monkey endl cout Created..
Get a font filename based on the font handle (HFONT) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16769758/get-a-font-filename-based-on-the-font-handle-hfont all installed known fonts. Lookup table We will first create a lookup table FontList of all installed known fonts #define.. std ifstream file fontFileName std ios binary std ios ate if file.is_open return size_t fileSize file.tellg if fileSize.. but would be less readable. GetFontData helper Then we create a wrapper function for the GetFontData function that creates..
What is the most elegant way to read a text file with c++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/195323/what-is-the-most-elegant-way-to-read-a-text-file-with-c open text.txt rt .read It is very simple and elegant. I hate ugly stuff so I'd like to know what is the most elegant way.. into char ifstream file file.txt ios in ios binary ios ate if file.is_open file.seekg 0 ios end size file.tellg char contents..
Using C++ filestreams (fstream), how can you determine the size of a file? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2409504/using-c-filestreams-fstream-how-can-you-determine-the-size-of-a-file this question You can open the file using the ios ate flag and ios binary flag so the tellg function will give you..
C++ function to count all the words in a string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3672234/c-function-to-count-all-the-words-in-a-string count all the words in it. Doesn't matter if they are repeated. Just the total count like in a text files word count. Words.. like in a text files word count. Words are anything separated by a space and punctuation doesn't matter as long as it's part.. of a word. For example A very very very very very big dog ate my homework 11 words My algorithm just goes through looking..
What is the purpose of ostringstream's string constructor? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3840531/what-is-the-purpose-of-ostringstreams-string-constructor of the data. You can seek in the data or you specify ios ate to initially position the write pointer to the end of the existing..
Getting garbage chars when reading GLSL files http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7344640/getting-garbage-chars-when-reading-glsl-files tutorial ifstream file fname ios in ios binary ios ate if file.is_open size file.tellg fSize GLuint size memblock new.. still persists .Any help on this will be greatly appreciated. c opengl share improve this question It looks like all.. this question It looks like all you have to do is allocate one more byte of memory in which you can place a null ' 0' .....
Problems converting YV12 to RGB through GLSL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8977489/problems-converting-yv12-to-rgb-through-glsl Display void glClear GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT glPushMatrix glRotatef Xrot 1.0 0.0 0.0 glRotatef Yrot 0.0 1.0 0.0 glRotatef Zrot.. glPushMatrix glRotatef Xrot 1.0 0.0 0.0 glRotatef Yrot 0.0 1.0 0.0 glRotatef Zrot 0.0 0.0 1.0 DrawObject glPopMatrix.. glRotatef Xrot 1.0 0.0 0.0 glRotatef Yrot 0.0 1.0 0.0 glRotatef Zrot 0.0 0.0 1.0 DrawObject glPopMatrix glutSwapBuffers static..
Image scaling (KeepAspectRatioByExpanding) through OpenGL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9011108/image-scaling-keepaspectratiobyexpanding-through-opengl headaches . I'm sharing what I've done so far and I appreciate your help on this issue main.cpp #include oglWindow.h #include.. QWidget parent 0 Qt WFlags flags 0 ~oglWindow private Ui oglWindowClass ui #endif oglWindow_H glwidget.cpp #ifdef.. if _frame qDebug GLWidget GLWidget Failed to create _frame return std ifstream yuv_file bloco.yv12 std ios in std..