c++ Programming Glossary: async
Start thread with member function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10673585/start-thread-with-member-function
What is std::promise? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11004273/what-is-stdpromise familiar with the new standard library's std thread std async and std future components e.g. see this answer which are straight.. In the words of futures.state a std future is an asynchronous return object an object that reads results from an shared.. reads results from an shared state and a std promise is an asynchronous provider an object that provides a result to a shared..
What is the Fastest Method for High Performance Sequential File I/O in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1201261/what-is-the-fastest-method-for-high-performance-sequential-file-i-o-in-c specific platform or can they be assumed to be optimal Is asynchronous I O always preferable to synchronous What if the application.. a whole family of OS and OS variant specific APIs for fast async I O e.g. epoll dev epoll kqueue Windows overlapped I O and Asio.. kqueue Windows overlapped I O and Asio wraps them all. Is asynchronous I O always preferable to synchronous What if the application..
Is there a way to cancel/detach a future in C++11? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12086622/is-there-a-way-to-cancel-detach-a-future-in-c11 10 cout Sleeping Done n return 3 int main auto result async launch async sleep_10s auto status result.wait_for chrono seconds.. Sleeping Done n return 3 int main auto result async launch async sleep_10s auto status result.wait_for chrono seconds 1 if status.. not provide a direct way to cancel a task started with std async . You will have to implement your own cancellation mechanism..
Is it smart to replace boost::thread and boost::mutex with c++11 equivalents? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7241993/is-it-smart-to-replace-boostthread-and-boostmutex-with-c11-equivalents thread cancellation C 11 threads do not C 11 supports std async but Boost does not Boost has a boost shared_mutex for multiple..
C++, C# and JavaScript on WinRT [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7466303/c-c-sharp-and-javascript-on-winrt only one that includes special language level support for asynchronous operations async and await keywords which are used heavily.. special language level support for asynchronous operations async and await keywords which are used heavily when using WinRT APIs.. are used heavily when using WinRT APIs due to their highly asynchronous design. Generally speaking provides most syntactic sugar..
tidy code for asynchronous IO http://stackoverflow.com/questions/883156/tidy-code-for-asynchronous-io code for asynchronous IO Whilst asynchronous IO non blocking descriptors with.. code for asynchronous IO Whilst asynchronous IO non blocking descriptors with select poll epoll kqueue.. They don't really explain how to best approach the actual asynchronous IO in such a method. Blocking IO is very tidy and straightforward..