c++ Programming Glossary: arrived
Debugging core files generated on a Customer's box http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10616417/debugging-core-files-generated-on-a-customers-box of figuring out why a routine crashed and how the author arrived at a solution. Something more on the intermediate to advanced..
How to set the stacksize with C++11 std::thread http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13871763/how-to-set-the-stacksize-with-c11-stdthread myself with the std thread library in C 11 and have arrived at a stumbling block. Initially I come from a posix threads..
C++11 thread-safe queue http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15278343/c11-thread-safe-queue Notify anyone waiting for additional files that more have arrived populatedNotifier.notify_one std string FileQueue dequeue const..
Why doesn't (int)0.9999999999999999999728949456878623891498136799780L == 0 (possible GCC bug)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16831464/why-doesnt-int0-9999999999999999999728949456878623891498136799780l-0-poss at which the result switches from expected to unexpected I arrived at the constant this question is about. c c gcc floating point..
Using “super” in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/180601/using-super-in-c should handle a thornier problem. Michael Tiemann arrived late and then showed that a typedef'ed super would work just..
In either C or C++, should I check pointer parameters against NULL/nullptr? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4390007/in-either-c-or-c-should-i-check-pointer-parameters-against-null-nullptr stupid like passing of invalid parameters. I have arrived at this conclusion for several reasons but perhaps the most..
How to build Qt for Visual Studio 2010 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5601950/how-to-build-qt-for-visual-studio-2010 for helping you with the directory names. When you have arrived at the correct directory a dir command should return something..
Levenshtein Distance: Inferring the edit operations from the matrix http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5849139/levenshtein-distance-inferring-the-edit-operations-from-the-matrix the step 1 is substitute d with r R epublican You've arrived at a cell which value is 0 your work is done share improve..
Avoiding default construction of elements in standard containers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7218574/avoiding-default-construction-of-elements-in-standard-containers from the outside of std vector Here's the solution I arrived at which was inspired Kerrek's answer #include iostream #include..
When to use shared_ptr and when to use raw pointers? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7657718/when-to-use-shared-ptr-and-when-to-use-raw-pointers be null. Having had some time to peruse smart pointers I arrived at some guidelines which tell me what to do in many cases If..
How to differentiate (when overloading) between prefix and postfix forms of operator++? (C++) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/894804/how-to-differentiate-when-overloading-between-prefix-and-postfix-forms-of-oper you're interested in some history of how this syntax was arrived out there's a snippet of it here . share improve this answer..