c++ Programming Glossary: arraylist
How to return a collection of strings from C# to C++ via COM interop http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1032060/how-to-return-a-collection-of-strings-from-c-sharp-to-c-via-com-interop allowed to appear in COM interfaces. UPDATE I tried using ArrayList as the return type as that's non generic I thought maybe the..
Why do some languages need Boxing and Unboxing? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1040384/why-do-some-languages-need-boxing-and-unboxing surprised because I had to write something like this ArrayList Double dummy new ArrayList Double My question why should it.. to write something like this ArrayList Double dummy new ArrayList Double My question why should it be an Object what is so hard.. that prevents you from putting an Image object into an ArrayList String . However Java's generics are implemented with type erasure..
How to design an algorithm to calculate countdown style maths number puzzle http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15293232/how-to-design-an-algorithm-to-calculate-countdown-style-maths-number-puzzle 7 6 8 3 for Integer integer list List Integer runList new ArrayList list runList.remove integer Result result getOperations runList.. for Integer number numbers List Integer newList new ArrayList Integer numbers newList.remove number if newList.isEmpty if..
How to sort an array or ArrayList<Point> ASC first by x and then by y? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2741846/how-to-sort-an-array-or-arraylistpoint-asc-first-by-x-and-then-by-y to sort an array or ArrayList Point ASC first by x and then by y I just want to use Collections.sort..
list or container O(1)-ish insertion/deletion performance, with array semantics http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3071497/list-or-container-o1-ish-insertion-deletion-performance-with-array-semantics containers share improve this question You could do an ArrayList Vector Java C and when you delete instead swap the last element..
What's the C++ version of Java's ArrayList http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3971049/whats-the-c-version-of-javas-arraylist the C version of Java's ArrayList Just getting back into using C and trying to convert a simple.. recently. What's the preferred equivalent to the Java ArrayList in C java c arraylist share improve this question Use the..
Programming Contest Question: Counting Polyominos http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4650762/programming-contest-question-counting-polyominos algorithm. This is what I had so far import java.util.ArrayList import java.util.List public class Main private int countPolyminos.. matrix n return count private List Integer hashes new ArrayList Integer private int count private void createPolyominos boolean..
Fast computation of multi-category number of combinations [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9107653/fast-computation-of-multi-category-number-of-combinations the values is bigger than the order List String result new ArrayList String iterate over the input for int i 0 i valuesSize baseOrder.. values.subList i i baseOrder List Double orderedValues new ArrayList Double neightbors String window for int j 0 j neightbors.size..
How are Java generics different from C++ templates? Why can't I use int as a parameter? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/996135/how-are-java-generics-different-from-c-templates-why-cant-i-use-int-as-a-par Why can't I use int as a parameter I am trying to create ArrayList int new ArrayList int in Java but that does not work. Can someone.. as a parameter I am trying to create ArrayList int new ArrayList int in Java but that does not work. Can someone explain why.. to autoboxing you can do things like List Integer ints new ArrayList Integer ints.add 3 3 is autoboxed into Integer.valueOf 3 So..