

c++ Programming Glossary: arraysizehelper

How does “sizeof” work in this helper for determining array size?


getting array size template typename Type size_t Size char ArraySizeHelper Type Array Size Size #define _countof Array sizeof ArraySizeHelper.. Type Array Size Size #define _countof Array sizeof ArraySizeHelper Array and I find the following part totally unclear. sizeof.. this question template typename Type size_t Size char ArraySizeHelper Type Array Size Size #define _countof Array sizeof ArraySizeHelper..

How does this Array Size Template Work?


came across this snippet template typename T size_t N char ArraySizeHelper T array N N #define arraysize array sizeof ArraySizeHelper array.. ArraySizeHelper T array N N #define arraysize array sizeof ArraySizeHelper array in this article http software.intel.com en us articles.. improve this question The function template is named ArraySizeHelper for a function that takes one argument a reference to a T N..