c++ Programming Glossary: after
Why is processing a sorted array faster than an unsorted array? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11227809/why-is-processing-a-sorted-array-faster-than-an-unsorted-array correctly predict the branch except for the few iterations after it switches direction. Quick visualization T branch taken N..
Do-While and if-else statements in C/C++ macros http://stackoverflow.com/questions/154136/do-while-and-if-else-statements-in-c-c-macros and if ... else are there to make it so that a semicolon after your macro always means the same thing. Let's say you had something..
What is the difference between #include <filename> and #include “filename”? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21593/what-is-the-difference-between-include-filename-and-include-filename two previous forms is permitted. The preprocessing tokens after include in the directive are processed just as in normal text... list of preprocessing tokens. The directive resulting after all replacements shall match one of the two previous forms...
What is the copy-and-swap idiom? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3279543/what-is-the-copy-and-swap-idiom destructed so we know other will be able to do the same after swapping. Note that some compilers do not support constructor..
What is The Rule of Three? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4172722/what-is-the-rule-of-three The members' destructors are implicitly called after the person destructor is finished After executing the body of..
Undefined Behavior and Sequence Points http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4176328/undefined-behavior-and-sequence-points in the evaluation of each of the following expressions after the evaluation of the first expression §1.9 18 2 a b §5.14 a.. at a function call whether or not the function is inline after the evaluation of all function arguments if any which takes.. compiler's whether the access should take place before or after the incremented value is stored. So the behaviour is undefined...
Why is iostream::eof inside a loop condition considered wrong? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5605125/why-is-iostreameof-inside-a-loop-condition-considered-wrong this question Because iostream eof will only be set after reading the end of the stream. It does not indicate that the..
What are the differences between pointer variable and reference variable in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/57483/what-are-the-differences-between-pointer-variable-and-reference-variable-in-c number of times while a reference can not be reassigned after initialization. A pointer can point to NULL while reference..
Where and why do I have to put the “template” and “typename” keywords? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/610245/where-and-why-do-i-have-to-put-the-template-and-typename-keywords call a function template Template names can not only occur after a but also after a or . in a class member access. You need to.. Template names can not only occur after a but also after a or . in a class member access. You need to insert the keyword.. In using declarations it's not possible to use template after the last and the C committee said not to work on a solution...
Do the parentheses after the type name make a difference with new? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/620137/do-the-parentheses-after-the-type-name-make-a-difference-with-new the parentheses after the type name make a difference with new If 'Test' is an ordinary..
Can a local variable's memory be accessed outside its scope? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6441218/can-a-local-variables-memory-be-accessed-outside-its-scope the allocations of shorter lived variables that come after it. Local variables follow the latter pattern when a method.. highest numbered occupied room. If no one else checks in after you and you go back to your room illegally all your stuff is.. memory is detected to be corrupt billions of nanoseconds after the corruption happened when it is very hard to figure out who..
Where do I find the current C or C++ standard documents? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/81656/where-do-i-find-the-current-c-or-c-standard-documents that if you are willing and able to wait a few months after ratification of a standard to search for NCITS ISO IEC instead..
Why is processing a sorted array faster than an unsorted array? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11227809/why-is-processing-a-sorted-array-faster-than-an-unsorted-array half of the iterations will not enter the if statement. After that they will all enter the if statement. This is very friendly..
Sizeof array passed as parameter http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1328223/sizeof-array-passed-as-parameter determined from its own decl specifier seq and declarator. After determining the type of each parameter any parameter of type.. for the . As we move left we pass 'a' is a reference After the we reach the opening so we reverse again and look right...
What is the name of this operator: “-->”? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1642028/what-is-the-name-of-this-operator is the name of this operator &ldquo &rdquo After reading Hidden Features and Dark Corners of C STL on comp.lang.c..
What are the rules about using an underscore in a C++ identifier? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/228783/what-are-the-rules-about-using-an-underscore-in-a-c-identifier anywhere which is easy as I rarely use underscore. After doing research on this article I no longer end my identifiers..
Printing lists with commas C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3496982/printing-lists-with-commas-c here. So many good answers and tackled in different ways. After a semester of Java and assembly different classes having to..
Advantages of using forward http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3582001/advantages-of-using-forward rvalue reference types and create any desired result. After all we cannot possibly break code now. If given a reference..
std::wstring VS std::string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/402283/stdwstring-vs-stdstring available for the current locale of the Windows user. Edit After a comment from Johann Gerell a std string will be enough to..
What is The Rule of Three? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4172722/what-is-the-rule-of-three implicitly called after the person destructor is finished After executing the body of the destructor and destroying any automatic..
Undefined Behavior and Sequence Points Reloaded http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4638364/undefined-behavior-and-sequence-points-reloaded Or do they too invoke undefined behavior If no why not After all the object i gets modified twice between consecutive sequence.. know it's behavior for sure . Is i well defined in C 03 After all this is this i.operator .operator .operator class Index..
Pretty-print C++ STL containers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4850473/pretty-print-c-stl-containers has the necessary iterator Many thanks Update and solution After raising this problem again on Channel 9 I got a fantastic answer..
Developing Internet Explorer Extensions? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5643819/developing-internet-explorer-extensions Internet Explorer Extensions After developing a few Firefox Chrome extensions I've decided to try..
What are the barriers to understanding pointers and what can be done to overcome them? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5727/what-are-the-barriers-to-understanding-pointers-and-what-can-be-done-to-overcome new house but the old one is still standing... somewhere. After this code there is no way to reach that house and it will be.. uh oh no .Free here where does the address go end After this method has executed there's no place in our variables that..
Where and why do I have to put the “template” and “typename” keywords? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/610245/where-and-why-do-i-have-to-put-the-template-and-typename-keywords in real life is a template so the compiler knows 14.2 3 After name lookup 3.4 finds that a name is a template name if this..
WChars, Encodings, Standards and Portability http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6300804/wchars-encodings-standards-and-portability seemingly different filenames may represent the same file. After you create two files a and b you might end up with a single..
OpenCV 2.3 C++ Visual Studio 2010 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7011238/opencv-2-3-c-visual-studio-2010 Console Application project and name it whatever you like. After that a new window will show up. Click on the tab Application..
What is “rvalue reference for *this”? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8610571/what-is-rvalue-reference-for-this on. Let's take the first example at the top of this post. After the aforementioned transformation the overload set looks something..
OpenCV C++/Obj-C: Detecting a sheet of paper / Square Detection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8667818/opencv-c-obj-c-detecting-a-sheet-of-paper-square-detection cosine if maxCosine 0.3 squares.push_back approx After this procedure is executed the sheet of paper will be the largest..
gcc linker errors on fedora: undefined reference http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12376897/gcc-linker-errors-on-fedora-undefined-reference yum install gcc gcc c . NOTES All output you see below is AFTER steps above. Last line of gcc output is collect2 ld returned..
Incompatible types - is it because an array is already a pointer? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13041497/incompatible-types-is-it-because-an-array-is-already-a-pointer cin str stringstream str ptr i rating return 0 NEW CODE AFTER ANSWERS NO ERRORS #include iostream #include vector #include..
End of File in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1494342/end-of-file-in-c gamma_tmp nb_try The problem is that EOF is only true AFTER you try and read past it. Having no character left in the file..
Downloading and integrating Qt5 with Visual Studio 2012 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15826893/downloading-and-integrating-qt5-with-visual-studio-2012 is there make sure you have restarted your command prompt AFTER the addition of the command to the path. Two other path related..
Where to delete QTcpSocket in thread to avoid valgrind errors http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19280903/where-to-delete-qtcpsocket-in-thread-to-avoid-valgrind-errors errors are gone. From what I read deletelater if called AFTER the exec loop has terminated will run when the thread is deleted...
C++ delete - It deletes my objects but I can still access the data? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1930459/c-delete-it-deletes-my-objects-but-i-can-still-access-the-data If I printf each of the deleted singleblocks x values AFTER their deletion some of them return random garbage confirming..
MinGW linker error: winsock http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2033608/mingw-linker-error-winsock winsock share improve this question Put the lws2_32 AFTER the list of object files GCC searches libraries and object files..
Exporting a C++ class from a DLL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/27998/exporting-a-c-class-from-a-dll their appropriate offsets. This has to be done at run time AFTER the DLL has been loaded obviously. A good explanation of this..
undefined reference to `__stack_chk_fail' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4492799/undefined-reference-to-stack-chk-fail file and and add this .o file to your linker command AFTER libgurobi_c .a. GCC G resolves symbols from left to right during..
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _main referenced in function ___tmainCRTStartup http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4845410/error-lnk2019-unresolved-external-symbol-main-referenced-in-function-tmainc i data i 1 data i data current_index entry Adds an item AFTER the current index void sequence attach const value_type entry..
ifstream object.eof() not working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/730910/ifstream-object-eof-not-working fgets feof et al . Basically these flags will only be set AFTER you have attempted to read something with a function like getline..