c++ Programming Glossary: a0
/boost/lockfree/queue.hpp: error: static assertion failed: (boost::has_trivial_destructor<T>::value) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15468278/boost-lockfree-queue-hpp-error-static-assertion-failed-boosthas-trivial-d queue.hpp In instantiation of 'boost lockfree queue T A0 A1 A2 ~queue with T action A0 boost parameter void_ A1 boost.. of 'boost lockfree queue T A0 A1 A2 ~queue with T action A0 boost parameter void_ A1 boost parameter void_ A2 boost parameter.. queue.hpp In instantiation of 'boost lockfree queue T A0 A1 A2 node node boost lockfree queue T A0 A1 A2 node handle_type..
Why does std::result_of take an (unrelated) function type as a type argument? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15486951/why-does-stdresult-of-take-an-unrelated-function-type-as-a-type-argument class F struct result_of F ... template class F class A0 struct result_of F A0 ... template class F class A0 class A1.. F ... template class F class A0 struct result_of F A0 ... template class F class A0 class A1 struct result_of F A0.. class A0 struct result_of F A0 ... template class F class A0 class A1 struct result_of F A0 A1 ... ... The only other way..
How to make my uninitialised_allocator safe? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15967293/how-to-make-my-uninitialised-allocator-safe default constructible types template class U class A0 class... Args void construct U up A0 a0 Args ... args noexcept.. class U class A0 class... Args void construct U up A0 a0 Args ... args noexcept new up U std forward A0 a0 std forward.. U up A0 a0 Args ... args noexcept new up U std forward A0 a0 std forward Args args ... I see little advantage to deriving..
C++0x Lambda to function pointer in VS 2010 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3351280/c0x-lambda-to-function-pointer-in-vs-2010 template typename Lambda typename C typename R typename A0 struct lambda_wrapper Lambda R C A0 const static R call A0.. C typename R typename A0 struct lambda_wrapper Lambda R C A0 const static R call A0 p0 Lambda x return x std forward A0.. struct lambda_wrapper Lambda R C A0 const static R call A0 p0 Lambda x return x std forward A0 p0 DEFINE_OPERATOR and..
C++ meta-programming doxygen documentation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3435225/c-meta-programming-doxygen-documentation other #else #define BOOST_XINT_INITIAL_APARAMS class A0 parameter void_ class A1 parameter void_ class A2 parameter.. A5 parameter void_ #define BOOST_XINT_CLASS_APARAMS class A0 class A1 class A2 class A3 class A4 class A5 #define BOOST_XINT_APARAMS.. A2 class A3 class A4 class A5 #define BOOST_XINT_APARAMS A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 #define BOOST_XINT_CLASS_BPARAMS class B0 class..
Why exactly do I need an explicit upcast when implementing QueryInterface() in an object with multiple interfaces() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1742848/why-exactly-do-i-need-an-explicit-upcast-when-implementing-queryinterface-in-a an example of single inheritance class A virtual void fa0 virtual void fa1 int a0 class B public A virtual void fb0 virtual.. inheritance class A virtual void fa0 virtual void fa1 int a0 class B public A virtual void fb0 virtual void fb1 int b0 vtable.. A virtual void fb0 virtual void fb1 int b0 vtable for A 0 fa0 1 fa1 vtable for B 0 fa0 1 fa1 2 fb0 3 fb1 Note that if you..
modular arithmetics and NTT (finite field DFT) optimizations http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18577076/modular-arithmetics-and-ntt-finite-field-dft-optimizations false L 0x00000020 n 17 16 bit best for 16 bit r 2 p 0x0a000001 if n 2 n 0x01000000 r 0 L 0 p 0 W 0 iW 0 rN 0 N 0 return.. DWORD n DWORD w if n 1 if n 1 dst 0 src 0 return DWORD i j a0 a1 n2 n 1 w2 modmul w w reorder even odd for i 0 j 0 i n2 i.. restore results for w2 1 i 0 j n2 i n2 i j w2 modmul w2 w a0 src i a1 modmul src j w2 dst i modadd a0 a1 dst j modsub a0..
Any metaprogramming way to generate overloads for various numbers of template parameters? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5475046/any-metaprogramming-way-to-generate-overloads-for-various-numbers-of-template-pa the following void foo ... template class T0 void foo T0 a0 ... template class T0 class T1 void foo T0 a0 T1 a1 ... Now.. void foo T0 a0 ... template class T0 class T1 void foo T0 a0 T1 a1 ... Now what Boost does is to just put those template.. is like a little for loop #define FOO_PARAMS T0 a0 #define FOO_TEMPLATE template class T0 template class T0 void..
Is there a generic way to adapt a function template to be a polymorphic function object? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7033645/is-there-a-generic-way-to-adapt-a-function-template-to-be-a-polymorphic-function name f how to concisely write an object ff such that ff a0 a1 a2 ... ultimately calls f a0 a1 a2 ... . A polymorphic functor.. an object ff such that ff a0 a1 a2 ... ultimately calls f a0 a1 a2 ... . A polymorphic functor how you point out yourself..
Speed of accessing local vs. global variables in gcc/g++ at different optimization levels http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7241035/speed-of-accessing-local-vs-global-variables-in-gcc-g-at-different-optimizati as I understand it looks like a bug in the compiler 0x3b9aca00 is SIZE in hexadecimal 0x80496dc must be the address of global... global1 0x14 80483e9 c7 05 dc 96 04 08 00 movl 0x3b9aca00 0x80496dc 80483f0 ca 9a 3b 80483f3 c9 leave 80483f4 c3 ret.. local1 0x8 8048403 c7 05 dc 96 04 08 00 movl 0x3b9aca00 0x80496dc 804840a ca 9a 3b 804840d c9 leave 804840e c3 ret..
G++ 4.6 -std=gnu++0x: Static Local Variable Constructor Call Timing and Thread Safety http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9533649/g-4-6-std-gnu0x-static-local-variable-constructor-call-timing-and-thread-s 20 40 00 mov 0x402098 edi 40097c e8 1f fe ff ff callq 4007a0 __cxa_guard_acquire@plt 400981 85 c0 test eax eax 400983 0f.. _Z1fv 0x45 40098a 41 bc 00 00 00 00 mov 0x0 r12d 400990 bf a0 20 40 00 mov 0x4020a0 edi 400995 e8 a6 00 00 00 callq 400a40.. 00 00 00 00 mov 0x0 r12d 400990 bf a0 20 40 00 mov 0x4020a0 edi 400995 e8 a6 00 00 00 callq 400a40 _ZN1XC1Ev 40099a bf 98..