c++ Programming Glossary: a.lib
Library dependency “forwarding”, or partially static libraries? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12071818/library-dependency-forwarding-or-partially-static-libraries forwarding&rdquo or partially static libraries Say I have A.lib and B.dll with its own B.lib that are really the same thing.. link with both of them but I only want to do this through A.lib . Basically I need the linker to be able to find the symbols.. link with B.lib . Ideally I would like to eliminate A.lib altogether and have some code in B.lib and the rest in B.dll..
How to get the WTTLog.lib and wttlogger.h header file for 64-bit version of WTTLog.DLL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18458663/how-to-get-the-wttlog-lib-and-wttlogger-h-header-file-for-64-bit-version-of-wttl let's refer my EXE code as AAA.EXE refer the lib files as A.lib b.lib and LOGGER.lib the library which is causing the below..
How to force inclusion of an object file in a static library when linking into executable? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2991927/how-to-force-inclusion-of-an-object-file-in-a-static-library-when-linking-into-e a cross platform project using CMake so on Windows we get A.lib B.dll and C.exe and on Linux we get libA.a libB.so and C . Library..