

c++ Programming Glossary: a.exec

qt thread with movetothread


msg this doesn't run until class finish it's work return a.exec the problem is when i start the new thread the main thread stops..

QT5 beta2, QT creator 2.6, MSVC error: Qt Creator needs a compiler set up to build. Configure a compiler in the kit options [duplicate]


argv QCoreApplication a argc argv qDebug hello QT5 return a.exec I am getting following error Qt Creator needs a compiler set..

How do I make an image resize to scale in Qt?


setPixmap map layout addWidget label frame show return a.exec c qt share improve this question There are a couple ways..

how to write all the <p> tags to text file


WriteOnly file.write reply readAll delete reply return a.exec Thank you so much for your help List item c qt qt creator..

Where to delete QTcpSocket in thread to avoid valgrind errors


Console output in a Qt GUI app?


std cout Hello world return 0 MainWindow w w.show return a.exec However the console messages do not appear when I run the app..

How do I create a simple Qt console application in C++?


int argc char argv QCoreApplication a argc argv return a.exec Since I don't need event processing I was wondering whether..

Display QImage with QtGui


QT/C++ - Accessing MainWindow UI from a different class


argc char argv QApplication a argc argv Game.show return a.exec Since I need to access and edit the MainWindow Widgets from..

How to emit cross-thread signal in Qt?


oThread2.start oThread1.wait oThread2.wait return a.exec Output is thread 2 started thread 1 started MySlot is never.. myObject.moveToThread oThread2 oThread1.start return a.exec Now MyObject will live in thread2 thanks to moveToThread . MySignal..

Circular dependencies with headers. Using #ifndef and #define


argv QApplication a argc argv StartWindow w w.show return a.exec StartWindow.h #ifndef STARTWINDOW_H_ #define STARTWINDOW_H_..

How to make a transparent window with Qt Quick?


argv QApplication a argc argv MainWindow w w.show return a.exec mainwindow.h #ifndef MAINWINDOW_H #define MAINWINDOW_H #include..

Fast multiplication/division by 2 for floats and doubles (C/C++)


The operation took timer.elapsed milliseconds return a.exec Runs suggest that D d 1 5 and D d 32 run in the same time 200..

How to draw a point (on mouseclick) on a QGraphicsScene


a argc argv MyQGraphicsView view view.show return a.exec And that's it. Now you are dangerous with QGraphicsView's and..

Image scaling (KeepAspectRatioByExpanding) through OpenGL


argv QApplication a argc argv oglWindow w w.show return a.exec oglWindow.cpp #include oglWindow.h #include glwidget.h #include..