c++ Programming Glossary: futures
race-condition in pthread_once()? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10843304/race-condition-in-pthread-once execute it a few times until a race occurs and one of the futures is never woken up and therefore the app gets stuck forever...
c++11 async continuations or attempt at .then() semantics http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14200678/c11-async-continuations-or-attempt-at-then-semantics This is a neat idea but as it stands will not work futures are move only and not copyable . I do like the idea as it is.. guess although as .then or even await. Before making the futures shared or similar I wonder what the stack overflow community.. specifically with improvements and suggestions even shared futures Thanks in advance for any suggestions. I am aware this is a..
Extend the life of threads with synchronization (C++11) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15252292/extend-the-life-of-threads-with-synchronization-c11 4 const int numJobsPerThread 10 std vector std future void futures Create all the threads will be waiting for jobs thread_data.. int i 0 i numJobsPerThread i job j create_task td.id i futures.push_back j.get_future std unique_lock std mutex l td.m td.jobs.push.. Wait for all the tasks to be completed... for auto f futures f.wait futures.clear Here the main thread does something.....
Concurrent programming c++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/218786/concurrent-programming-c an event std condition_variable std condition_variable_any futures promises and packaged tasks to simplify passing data between..
return() versus pthread_exit() in pthread start functions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3692591/return-versus-pthread-exit-in-pthread-start-functions means for transferring values between threads such as futures which avoid the problems associated with memory management that..
C++ volatile required when spinning on boost::shared_ptr operator bool()? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4662482/c-volatile-required-when-spinning-on-boostshared-ptr-operator-bool to NULL. Really look at condition variables barriers or futures as a way of getting one thread to wait until another is finished.. If you're worried about lock contention use barriers or futures which don't have a big shared lock to contend for. Caveat there..
C++: Simple return value from std::thread? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7686939/c-simple-return-value-from-stdthread or boost threads As I understand this can be done with futures but how exactly c multithreading share improve this question.. improve this question See this video tutorial on C 11 futures. Explicitly with threads and futures #include thread #include.. tutorial on C 11 futures. Explicitly with threads and futures #include thread #include future void func std promise int p..