c++ Programming Glossary: future
What is std::promise? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11004273/what-is-stdpromise the new standard library's std thread std async and std future components e.g. see this answer which are straight forward... library share improve this question In the words of futures.state a std future is an asynchronous return object an object.. this question In the words of futures.state a std future is an asynchronous return object an object that reads results..
What is “cache-friendly” code? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16699247/what-is-cache-friendly-code that the same location is accessed again in the near future. Ideally this information will still be cached at that point...
What are the rules about using an underscore in a C++ identifier? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/228783/what-are-the-rules-about-using-an-underscore-in-a-c-identifier declares or defines identifiers listed in its associated future library directions subclause and identifiers which are always.. name in any of the following subclauses including the future library directions is reserved for use as specified if any of.. linkage in any of the following subclauses including the future library directions are always reserved for use as identifiers..
Dynamically allocating an array of objects http://stackoverflow.com/questions/255612/dynamically-allocating-an-array-of-objects since it's been a while since I did C . Update for future viewers All of the answers below are really helpful. Martin's..
Combining C++ and C - how does #ifdef __cplusplus work? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3789340/combining-c-and-c-how-does-ifdef-cplusplus-work do We're going to be mixing C and C for the foreseeable future and I want to make sure we're covering all our bases. c c preprocessor..
Testing stream.good() or !stream.eof() reads last line twice [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4324441/testing-stream-good-or-stream-eof-reads-last-line-twice of the stream rather than predicting the success of a future operation. Check the stream itself which is equivalent to an..
Resolve circular dependencies in c++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/625799/resolve-circular-dependencies-in-c happens again. So for the purposes of easy recall in the future I am going to post a representative problem and a solution along..
Subclass/inherit standard containers? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6806173/subclass-inherit-standard-containers your interface contract in a way that ties users hands to future changes. For instance say you have a class of type Socket that..
make_unique and perfect forwarding http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7038357/make-unique-and-perfect-forwarding an oversight and it will almost certainly be added in the future. He also gives an implementation that is identical with the..
“unpacking” a tuple to call a matching function pointer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7858817/unpacking-a-tuple-to-call-a-matching-function-pointer some values and a function pointer until an arbitrary future point c function pointers c 11 variadic templates tuple unpacking..