c++ Programming Glossary: boost.test
List of header only boost libraries http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13604090/list-of-header-only-boost-libraries Boost.DateTime Boost.Graph Boost.Math Boost.Random Boost.Test Note that some libraries may depend on these for example Asio..
CMake: how to add Boost.Test cases with relative directories? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16857517/cmake-how-to-add-boost-test-cases-with-relative-directories how to add Boost.Test cases with relative directories I have a working project with.. directories I have a working project with CMake and Boost.Test with a directory structure like this pardon the ASCII art proj.. expression machinery especially the test exclusion which Boost.Test doesn't seem to have to selectively run certain tests. However..
How to process Boost.Test output with Eclipse http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2491380/how-to-process-boost-test-output-with-eclipse to process Boost.Test output with Eclipse I'm using Eclipse CDT and Boost.Test with.. Boost.Test output with Eclipse I'm using Eclipse CDT and Boost.Test with Boost.Build . I would like Eclipse to parse output of Boost.Test.. with Boost.Build . I would like Eclipse to parse output of Boost.Test generated during by run of test suites during build. Does anybody..
How to link to dynamic boost libs? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2520234/how-to-link-to-dynamic-boost-libs may be some libraries that can only be statically linked Boost.Test for example and others which may only be dynamically linked..
Boost.Test: Looking for a working non-Trivial Test Suite Example / Tutorial http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2906095/boost-test-looking-for-a-working-non-trivial-test-suite-example-tutorial Looking for a working non Trivial Test Suite Example Tutorial.. for a working non Trivial Test Suite Example Tutorial The Boost.Test documentation and examples don't really seem to contain any.. share improve this question C Unit Testing With Boost.Test The above is a brilliant article and better than the actual..
Advice on Mocking System Calls http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2924440/advice-on-mocking-system-calls method for mocking system calls like this I'm using Boost.Test for my unit testing. c unit testing mocking share improve..
How to set up unit testing for Visual Studio C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3150/how-to-set-up-unit-testing-for-visual-studio-c help it reviews quite a few C unit test frameworks CppUnit Boost.Test CppUnitLite NanoCppUnit Unit CxxTest Check out CPPUnitLite or..
What modern C++ libraries should be in my toolbox? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/777764/what-modern-c-libraries-should-be-in-my-toolbox Cinder SDL Networking ACE Boost.Asio ICE Testing Boost.Test Google Test UnitTest Threading Boost.Thread Version Control..
Using Boost on ubuntu http://stackoverflow.com/questions/846566/using-boost-on-ubuntu that is only needed if you intend to parse GraphViz files. Boost.Test can be used in œheader only or œseparately compiled mode although..
Helping getting started using Boost.Test http://stackoverflow.com/questions/963158/helping-getting-started-using-boost-test getting started using Boost.Test I am trying to start unit testing. I am looking at a few C.. I am looking at a few C frameworks and want to try Boost.Test. The documentation seems very thorough and it's a bit overwhelming.. that I want to run EVERY test. So who has experience with Boost.Test Can someone help in a detailed way Thank you so much. c unit..