c++ Programming Glossary: boost.iostreams
List of header only boost libraries http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13604090/list-of-header-only-boost-libraries both are the same Boost.Filesystem Boost.GraphParallel Boost.IOStreams Boost.MPI Boost.ProgramOptions Boost.Python Boost.Regex Boost.Serialization..
Setting the internal buffer used by a standard stream (pubsetbuf) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1494182/setting-the-internal-buffer-used-by-a-standard-stream-pubsetbuf I suspect this is how the array_sink type from Boost.IOStreams is implemented. Here is the modified code that uses my ostreambuf..
How can I compose output streams, so output goes multiple places at once? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1760726/how-can-i-compose-output-streams-so-output-goes-multiple-places-at-once
How to use Boost in Visual Studio 2010 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2629421/how-to-use-boost-in-visual-studio-2010 components then you have more work to do. These are Boost.IOStreams Bzip2 filters Boost.IOStreams Zlib filters Boost.MPI Boost.Python.. more work to do. These are Boost.IOStreams Bzip2 filters Boost.IOStreams Zlib filters Boost.MPI Boost.Python Boost.Regex ICU support.. filters Boost.MPI Boost.Python Boost.Regex ICU support Boost.IOStreams Bzip2 filters Unarchive the latest version of bzip2 library..
Redirect C++ std::clog to syslog on Unix http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2638654/redirect-c-stdclog-to-syslog-on-unix a bit vague to become the accepted answer. Edit using Boost.IOStreams is OK as my project already use Boost anyway. Linking with external..
Can you use Boost.Regex to parse a stream? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/457595/can-you-use-boost-regex-to-parse-a-stream c regex boost stream share improve this question Boost.IOStreams has a regex_filter allowing one to perform the equivalent of..
redirect std::cout to a custom writer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/533038/redirect-stdcout-to-a-custom-writer share improve this question I encourage you to look at Boost.IOStreams . It seems to fit your use case nicely and using it is surprisingly..
Using Boost on ubuntu http://stackoverflow.com/questions/846566/using-boost-on-ubuntu that must be built separately are Boost.Filesystem Boost.IOStreams Boost.ProgramOptions Boost.Python see the Boost.Python build..