

c++ Programming Glossary: blobs

How to use OpenCV to remove non text areas from a business card? [closed]


be that the logo parts contain fatter lines and larger blobs than the text parts. If this holds true you can remove the logo..

Blobs with OpenCV. Which library is best? [closed]


library is best closed I plan to start experimenting with blobs as a C user with some experience at cv Mat's from the OpenCV... at cv Mat's from the OpenCV. Now the question is which blobs library should I use if at all I have seen these alternatives.. SimpleBlobDetector . You might be interested. c opencv cvblobslib share improve this question You should use the SimpleBlobDetector..

Error in opencv code for motion detection


70 255 CV_THRESH_BINARY Dilate and erode to get people blobs cvDilate greyImage greyImage 0 18 cvErode greyImage greyImage..

Embedding resources in .exe using GCC


to turn any file into an object Embedding binary blobs using gcc mingw ld r b binary o binary.o foo.bar # then link..

OpenCV insufficient memory


60 arr i j 1 cvSet2D dest i j destpix Counting the blobs in each grid for i 0 i xmax i for j 0 j ymax j if arr i j..

I want to make my own Malloc


lot of mallooc and free you can quickly get a lot of small blobs that aren't in use but are hard to allocate. So you need some..

Masking a blob from a binary image


5th frame grayscaling it finding the areas of all the blobs and applying a threshold value to get a binary image where more.. the function you need then you set to blac all the other blobs scannig all the contours and using cvfloadfill . finally you..

writing robust (color and size invariant) circle detection with opencv (based on Hough transform or other features)


mapping into grayscale. Thus missing those faint yellow blobs in your images is expected. Theory In short you don't tell us..