

c++ Programming Glossary: b_h

Why aren't my include guards preventing recursive inclusion and multiple symbol definitions?


A_H #define A_H #include b.h ... #endif A_H b.h #ifndef B_H #define B_H #include a.h ... #endif B_H main.cpp I am getting.. A_H #include b.h ... #endif A_H b.h #ifndef B_H #define B_H #include a.h ... #endif B_H main.cpp I am getting errors.. A_H b.h #ifndef B_H #define B_H #include a.h ... #endif B_H main.cpp I am getting errors when compiling this... #include..

C++ #include guards


#ifndef A_H #define A_H class A int a #endif b.h #ifndef B_H #define B_H #include a.h class B int b #endif So now let's look.. #define A_H class A int a #endif b.h #ifndef B_H #define B_H #include a.h class B int b #endif So now let's look at how #include.. #define A_H class A int a #endif From #include b.h #ifndef B_H #define B_H #ifndef A_H From #define A_H #include a.h class..

Unresolved external symbols in beginners CUDA program


#include assert.h #include cuda.h int main void float a_h b_h pointers to host memory float a_d b_d pointers to device memory.. i allocate arrays on host a_h float malloc sizeof float N b_h float malloc sizeof float N allocate arrays on device cudaMalloc.. float N initialize host data for i 0 i N i a_h i 10.f i b_h i 0.f send data from host to device a_h to a_d cudaMemcpy a_d..