

c# Programming Glossary: theirs

Why is ushort + ushort equal to int?


problem mostly because they didn't know how to make it theirs and still generate efficient code. You have to cast. Yes that's..

Right way to do a Parallel.For to compute data from Array


each one summing one part of the array and finally summing theirs results. But how can I make it programmatically Sample code..

What are the 'big' advantages to have Poco with ORM?


not an issue for me as also with Poco supported Orms and theirs generated proxy entities you have to be aware that entities..

XNA - Keyboard text input


my double quotes is shift 2 while american keyboards have theirs somewhere near the return key . it seems my window hook was..

Draw Custom Buttons on Windows Vista/7 Aero Titlebar


the current theme's data back to restyle your buttons as theirs I'm sorry but I don't know anything about that. My suggestion..

How to generate and validate a software license key?


that haven't payed the license a key that basically isn't theirs . I guess I should also tie the key to the version of application..

C# optional parameters on overridden methods
