

c# Programming Glossary: thing..

What is the purpose of the extra braces in Switch case?


of the extra braces in Switch case I'm curious about this thing... see example switch x case a do stuff break case b do stuff..

To make a choice between ManualResetEvent or Thread.Sleep()


on another thread. There are 2 ways to implement the same thing... By using ManualResetEvent void Execute taskHandle new ManualResetEvent..

A Custom Membership Provider *Without* a Database?


support I'm as yet unable to find one seemingly simple thing... How can I override the membership role provider with a custom..

LINQ, Where() vs FindAll()


.. and FindAll .. differ They both seem to do the same thing... c# linq syntax share improve this question FindAll is..

Is it better to return null or empty collection?


When talking about collections you can do the same thing... except you have to make sure your empty collection is read..

How to exit a WPF app programmatically?


me out I DID google this and guess what For such a Simple thing... Nothing related came up. Thanks P.S. I have tried this.Dispose..

Why are structs stored on the stack while classes get stored on the heap(.NET)?


detail. end edit Re the whole value types go on the stack thing... value types don't always go on the stack if they are fields..