

c# Programming Glossary: thanx

how to improve printed text quality after using “graphics.DrawString”?


smoothing edge my text quality even got worse plz help me Thanx in advance c# graphics bitmap drawstring share improve this..

PBKDF2 in Bouncy Castle C#


who has implemented BouncyCastle in Java and can help Thanx a lot in advance UPDATE I have found how to do this in Bouncy..

How to get all names of properties in an Entity?


whe I use it with Entity Object. Is there any way to do it Thanx in advance c# entity framework share improve this question..

C# Async Sockets Server Receive Problems


details or code snippets just tell me i will post it Thanx c# sockets asynchronous client share improve this question..

AuthenticateRequest event


creating your own authentication logic. What am I missing Thanx c# asp.net authentication forms authentication httpapplication..

Why catch and rethrow Exception in C#?


my contention that try catch throw is a no op. Cheers all. Thanx for your time. EDIT Just to summarise for anyone who finds this..