

c# Programming Glossary: tested

Using Side-by-Side assemblies to load the x64 or x32 version of a DLL


I am attaching a short command line based tutorial. I tested the resulting binaries on Windows XP x86 and then Vista SP1..

How to wait for a BackgroundWorker to cancel?


right you could do something like this code not tested but shows the general idea private BackgroundWorker worker new..

Solution for overloaded operator constraint in .NET generics


also had at one point a .NET 2.0 version but that is less tested. The other option is to create an interface such as interface..

Why cannot C# generics derive from one of the generic type parameters like they can in C++ templates? [duplicate]


which would have to be carefully specified implemented and tested. We'd undoubtedly miss some and thereby cause breaking changes..

Recommend an Open Source .NET Barcode Reader Library [closed]


commercial solutions that have the advantage of being well tested more flexible can scan more barcode formats and are more tolerant..

Best way to reverse a string


return new string charArray I think the above works not tested although the stringbuilder class may also have a reverse function..

Merging dictionaries in C#


it's the quickest way to do it in terms of code. I haven't tested it admittedly. You could write your own ToDictionary2 extension..

Changing master volume level


all the P Invoke stuff it's a lot more code. But I've tested it and it works. To use it you simply need something like MixerInfo.. fantastically on 64 bit Windows. I don't know I haven't tested it and haven't paid enough attention to know if these field..

How to get ALL child controls of a Windows Forms form of a specific type (Button/Textbox)?


improve this question Here's another option for you. I tested it by creating a sample application I then put a GroupBox and..

How to install a windows service programmatically in C#?


Ok here is what REALLY worked for me it has been tested on multiple machines with different OS Vista XP Win2k Win2003..

Performance differences between debug and release builds


configuration or can you be certain that code that is tested and working fine under the Debug configuration will also work..

How to read a text file reversely with iterator in C#


each variable width encoding. EDIT This has been somewhat tested but that's not to say it doesn't still have some subtle bugs..

Multi-threaded splash screen in C#?


VisualBasic.WindowsFormsApplicationBase is of course well tested by Microsoft and has a lot of functionality that can make your..

Use of Application.DoEvents()


It will execute predictably just like it did when you tested your code. It makes dialogs extremely annoying who doesn't hate..

What is the minimum client footprint required to connect C# to an Oracle database?


Using C#, how does one figure out what process locked a file?


on Windows 7 and Windows Server 2003 the only two I've tested on so far and uses threads to protect against some nasty Win32..

Event Bubbling and MVP: ASP.NET


notification it calls MonthVM.SetMonth This can now be tested without using any views purely at the presenter level. share..

How can I ensure that a division of integers is always rounded up?


to the specification I believe so but I have not fully tested it. It looks pretty good though. We're professionals here use..

How to remove all namespaces from XML with C#?


el RemoveAllNamespaces el It's working 100 but I have not tested it much so it may not cover some special cases ... But it is..

Order of LINQ extension methods does not affect performance?


matter whether i prepend or append LINQ extension methods. Tested with Enumerable.FirstOrDefault hugeList.Where x x.Text.Contains..

Initializing Class Fields at the Field Definition or in Class Constructor


System using System.Collections.Generic namespace Ctors Tested with VS2008 SP1 class A This will be executed before entering..

MapPolyline not being drawn


line.StrokeThickness 10 line.Path.Add several points Tested no effect MapOverlay overlay new MapOverlay overlay.Content.. line overlay.GeoCoordinate new GeoCoordinate 0 0 Tested no effect overlay.PositionOrigin new Point 0.0 1.0 Tested no.. Tested no effect overlay.PositionOrigin new Point 0.0 1.0 Tested no effect pathLayer.Add overlay MyMap.Layers.Add pathLayer void..

Detecting Client Death in WCF Duplex Contracts


but I can't seem to get certain event handlers to fire. Tested Failure Cases Killing the Client Process After the request...

c# printer properties WMI


is out of paper. What I think would be PrinterState 4 Tested on wxp 86 and w7 64 return the same .Net 4.0 Thank you. c#..

Physical disk size not correct (IoCtlDiskGetDriveGeometry)


How can I retrieve the actual correct physical disk size Tested on USB drives and normal hard drives. The code is long here..

ClickOnce File Association


My Program progid MyProgram defaultIcon myIcon.ico Tested on 3 different computers ranging from Windows XP Vista Windows..

Regular expression where part of string must be number between 0-100


yields 0 0 9 1 4 1 7 0 9 4 8 0 5 0 9 3 86 0 3 0 9 2 86400 Tested here http osteele.com tools rework share improve this answer..

Format Number like Stack Overflow (rounded to thousands with K suffix)


formatting share improve this question Like this EDIT Tested static string FormatNumber int num if num 100000 return FormatNumber..

C# 4.0 'dynamic' doesn't set ref/out arguments


doesn t set ref out arguments Update 9 8 2012 Tested using VS.NET 2012 with both .NET 4.0 and 4.5 confirm it's already..

Subscribe to INotifyPropertyChanged for nested (child) objects


unsubscribe from all event listeners. It compiles in .NET Tested in 4 and Silverlight Tested in 4 . Because the code in seperated.. listeners. It compiles in .NET Tested in 4 and Silverlight Tested in 4 . Because the code in seperated in three classes I've posted..

Is it necessary to explicitly remove event handlers in C#


Raising Foo Subscriber.FooHandler Raising Foo No handlers Tested on Mono and .NET 3.5SP1. Further edit This is to prove that..

Regular Expression for password validation


scheme. I've tested this pattern and it works as expected. Tested on ReFiddle here http refiddle.com 110 share improve this answer..

Minimum C# code to extract from .CAB archives or InfoPath XSN files, in memory


current solution executes unmanaged code but fully working Tested on 32 64 bit StructLayout LayoutKind.Sequential public class..

Should I test that methods don't throw exceptions?


decent guess what could be changed to break that test. Tested functionality is even more obvious. Answers are intuitive and..

How to speed adding items to a ListView?


handle is created will get the best of both worlds. Edit Tested this hypothesis in a variety of ways and while adding the items..

Convert json to a C# array?


. Note my code above was not tested but that's the idea Tested it. Unless you are doing something exotic you should be fine..