

c# Programming Glossary: tests

How to get difference between two dates in Year/Month/Week/Day?


second values. Start with writing a whole slew of unit tests initially easy cases then move on to tricky ones involving leap..

Using Side-by-Side assemblies to load the x64 or x32 version of a DLL


compiler. This tutorial assumes it is in your path my tests were using C WINDOWS Microsoft.NET Framework v3.5 csc.exe Note.. Note 2 I recommend you create a temporary folder for the tests and run command line or powershell whose current working directory..

Enum type constraints in C# [duplicate]


are unimplemented until someone designs specs implements tests documents and ships the feature. So far no one has done that..

Design - Where should objects be registered when using Windsor


Patterns that doesn't need unit testing in itself. Your tests should not need the container at all as your objects and modules.. you can directly supply Test Doubles to them from the unit tests. It is best if you can design all of your modules to be container..

Using IoC for Unit Testing


Any C# libraries that work well for using it in unit tests c# unit testing mocking inversion of control share improve..

switch / pattern matching idea


to Objects since it avoids repeated delegate invocations tests show a match like the above using the Expression form performing..

The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference


match the assembly reference I am trying to run some unit tests in a C# Windows Forms application Visual Studio 2005 and I get..

If vs. Switch Speed


This has asymptotic better runtime than lots of chained if tests and is actually faster even for relatively few strings. share..

Very slow compile times on Visual Studio 2005


in a comment that generics may have a play also. From my tests there does appear to be a minimal performance hit but not high.. due to disc activity. Due to time limitations my tests didn't include as many Generics or as much code as would appear..

Fastest Way of Inserting in Entity Framework


slows bulk inserts extremely down. I would do a few simple tests which will very likely improve the performance Call SaveChanges..

NUnit vs Visual Studio 2008's Test Projects for Unit Testing? [closed]


outside of the IDE this can be useful if you want to run tests on a non MS build server like CC.Net NUnit has more versions.. There are extensions being developed for NUnit like row tests etc. Visual Studio tests take a long time to start up for some.. developed for NUnit like row tests etc. Visual Studio tests take a long time to start up for some reason. This is better..

How useful is C#'s ?? operator?


methods public static class NullSafeExtensions summary Tests for null objects without re computing values or assigning temporary.. return check null null valueIfNotNull check summary Tests for null empty strings without re computing values or assigning.. check null valueIfNotNullOrEmpty check summary Tests for null empty collections without re computing values or assigning..

Accessing internal members via System.Reflection?


functions. These obviously need testing too but my Tests project is seperate mainly because it covers many small related..

Calculate the number of weekdays between two dates in C#


community aspnet 2 44982 how to calculate num of w.aspx Tests each test returns 5 int ndays Weekdays new DateTime 2009 11..

What are some good unit testing examples? [closed]


they should be a good starting point for example open the Tests TestTextBoxRegex.cs file and analyze the TestIsTextValidSmallLetters..

How can I get “Copy to Output Directory” to work with Unit Tests?


&ldquo Copy to Output Directory&rdquo to work with Unit Tests When I build a unit test project before the tests are executed..

Can Unity be made to not throw SynchronizationLockException all the time?


tests TestClass public class UnitySafeBehaviorExtensionTests ITest private IUnityContainer Container private List Exception.. e FirstChanceExceptions.Add e.Exception summary Tests that the default behavior of c UnityContainer c leads to a c.. 0 typeof SynchronizationLockException summary Tests that c UnitySafeBehaviorExtension c protects against c SynchronizationLockException..

Object copy approaches in .net: Auto Mapper, Emit Mapper, Implicit Operation, Property Copy


is the tests of different ways of object copy in .NET. Tests Related to this original thread http stackoverflow.com questions.. i StudentDTO itemT emitMapper.Map _student StopTest sw Tests results on my PC Test Auto Mapper 22322 ms Test Implicit Operator..

Performance Tests of Serializations used by WCF Bindings


Tests of Serializations used by WCF Bindings I have the following..

In .NET 4.0, how do I 'sandbox' an in-memory assembly and execute a method?


why this question was being asked www.devplusplus.com Tests CSharp Hello_World . While similar questions were asked before..

How to read data of an Excel file using C#?


using Excel Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel namespace Tests TestFixture public class ExcelSingle Test public void ProcessWorkbook..

MemoryCache Strangeness


Console.WriteLine Finished Adding Items to Cache Tests where run on windows 7 32bit with 3GB Ram. How can the size..

No Code Coverage Information for Tests Using Moles


Code Coverage Information for Tests Using Moles I have been getting used to OpenCover over the..

Entity Framework 4.1. Most efficient way to get multiple entities by primary key?


Using AsNoTracking reduces the time by one or two seconds. Tests were done with database client console app and database server..

How to check for nulls in a deep lambda expression? [duplicate]


throwing a System.NullReferenceException. public class Tests This test will succeed Fact public void ReturnsValueWhenClass2NotNull..

Serializing null in JSON.NET


IntField And the following case TestFixture public class Tests Test public void Test var foo new Foo var settings new JsonSerializerSettings..

Can I use a language other than VBScript to programmatically execute QTP Tests?


other than VBScript to programmatically execute QTP Tests I have VBScript code which launches QuickTest Professional.. This does not include the .Net declarations but failedTestsList and allTestsList are instances of System.ArrayList . EDIT.. include the .Net declarations but failedTestsList and allTestsList are instances of System.ArrayList . EDIT All the QTP documentation..

Setting the httpcontext current session in unit test


factory from within our application as well as the Unit Tests public class HttpContextFactory private static HttpContextBase..