

c# Programming Glossary: testinitialize

Can Unity be made to not throw SynchronizationLockException all the time?


Container private List Exception FirstChanceExceptions TestInitialize public void TestInitialize Container new UnityContainer FirstChanceExceptions.. Exception FirstChanceExceptions TestInitialize public void TestInitialize Container new UnityContainer FirstChanceExceptions new List..

SQL Express Connection string - Relative to application location


class I set the DataDirectory property using the following TestInitialize public void TestInitialize AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetData DataDirectory.. property using the following TestInitialize public void TestInitialize AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetData DataDirectory System.IO.Path.Combine..

Mock HttpContext.Current in Test Init Method


class inherits from a base class which has the following TestInitialize public void Init ... Inside this method it calls a library which..

Entity Framework giving exception : “The underlying provider failed on Open.”


the past 3 days. TestClass class MyTestClass DBEntities db TestInitialize public void Initializer db new DBEntities TestMethod public..

What would be an alternate to [SetUp] and [TearDown] in MSTest?
