

c# Programming Glossary: rounds

Why integer division in c# returns an integer but not a float?


Integer division with following rules applied The division rounds the result towards zero and the absolute value of the result..

C# how to always round down to nearest 50


looked at math.round but how would I use that so it always rounds down to the nearest 50 and never up c# function math decimal..

Why does BCrypt.net GenerateSalt(31) return straight away?


byte password byte salt int logRounds ... snip ... uint rounds 1U logRounds ... snip c# salt bcrypt bcrypt.net share improve.. byte password byte salt int logRounds ... snip ... int rounds 1 logRounds ... snip When you specify 31 for the logRounds it..

Why do I need to use the Rfc2898DeriveBytes class (in .NET) instead of directly using the password as a key or IV?


just last week a new attack was published that breaks 13 rounds out of 14 total of AES 256 using a related key attack. It would..

Remove trailing zeros?


String.Format but it returns 2.0000 and setting it to N0 rounds the other values as well. Edit Although I marked it as answer..

When NOT to use the Entity Framework


by all the doom and gloom regarding it that's doing the rounds. I'd guess that it's going to be around for a while and MS will..

VB.NET vs C# integer division [duplicate]


integer values to doubles applies the division and then rounds the result before it's converted back to int32 and stored in..

How to find the actual printable area? (PrintDocument)


errors that will result in the clipped graphics if it rounds 817.96 up to 818 and then the printer driver decides that's..

How can I ensure that a division of integers is always rounded up?


for integer division clearly states The division rounds the result towards zero The result is zero or positive when.. integer division function which computes the quotient but rounds the result always upwards not always towards zero . So write.. that is greater than the quotient that is it always rounds up. Now we have a specification so we know we can come up with..