c# Programming Glossary: retaining
Protobuf attributes with a hierarchy of generic classes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1296791/protobuf-attributes-with-a-hierarchy-of-generic-classes the need for the generic in the middle if possible perhaps retaining a generic interface rather than the generic class . Here's some..
Repeater and Custom Control - Dynamically adding to the collection and retaining values http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14447883/repeater-and-custom-control-dynamically-adding-to-the-collection-and-retaining Custom Control Dynamically adding to the collection and retaining values It has been so long since I've used Web Forms I find..
How do I alias a class name in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/244246/how-do-i-alias-a-class-name-in-c i want to introduce an Outlook 2007 color scheme while retaining the Outlook 2003 color scheme public static class Outlook2003ColorScheme..
How do I write to command line from a WPF application? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3057852/how-do-i-write-to-command-line-from-a-wpf-application I need it to post its data to the command line while still retaining the GUI at startup. I've triple checked and my code hits the..
Flickering in a Windows Forms app http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3286373/flickering-in-a-windows-forms-app hung feel. How do I keep the WS_EX_COMPOSITED while still retaining the usability of Maximize Minimize and Close buttons This happens..
Fastest way to serialize and deserialize .NET object http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4143421/fastest-way-to-serialize-and-deserialize-net-object your model with invented CT and TE using protobuf net yet retaining the ability to use XmlSerializer which can be useful in particular..
Cross platform (php to C# .NET) encryption/decryption with Rijndael http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4329260/cross-platform-php-to-c-sharp-net-encryption-decryption-with-rijndael sent to a ASP.NET platform C# . However I'm having problem retaining the order of decryption base64 decode to urldecode . The code..
Different ways of passing sqlCommand parameters http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4624811/different-ways-of-passing-sqlcommand-parameters much less likely to change than the length so is it worth retaining c# .net sqlcommand share improve this question In my experience..
NHibernate and Collection Counts http://stackoverflow.com/questions/532483/nhibernate-and-collection-counts what is the best way of doing this in NHibernate whilst retaining the use of domain objects where possible. Thanks c# nhibernate..
Interface naming convention http://stackoverflow.com/questions/681700/interface-naming-convention from other types. But wouldn't that argument extend to retaining the Hungarian notation which is now widely censured What's your..