c# Programming Glossary: ret
URL mapping with C# HttpListener http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10017564/url-mapping-with-c-sharp-httplistener strParams i p.ParameterType .ToArray object ret method.Invoke this @params string retstr JsonConvert.SerializeObject.. .ToArray object ret method.Invoke this @params string retstr JsonConvert.SerializeObject ret Usage would be http localhost.. this @params string retstr JsonConvert.SerializeObject ret Usage would be http localhost 8080 getPersonHandler 333 if..
Performance difference for control structures 'for' and 'foreach' in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1124753/performance-difference-for-control-structures-for-and-foreach-in-c-sharp Dispose IL_002f endfinally end handler IL_0030 ret end of method Test IterateOverList The compiler treats arrays.. ldlen IL_0017 conv.i4 IL_0018 blt.s IL_0006 IL_001a ret end of method Test IterateOverArray Interestingly I can't find..
Does using “new” on a strict allocate it on the heap or stack? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/203695/does-using-new-on-a-strict-allocate-it-on-the-heap-or-stack stsfld valuetype mscorlib System.Guid Test field L_0010 ret .method private hidebysig static void ParameterisedCtorAssignToLocal.. System.Guid .ctor string Removed ToString call L_001c ret .method private hidebysig static void ParameterisedCtorCallMethod.. MethodTakingGuid valuetype mscorlib System.Guid L_0011 ret .method private hidebysig static void ParameterlessCtorAssignToField..
Why can't I have abstract static methods in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3284/why-cant-i-have-abstract-static-methods-in-c L0001 call void ConsoleApplication1.A Test L0006 nop L0007 ret As you can see the call is made to A.Test because it was the..
What is differences between Multidimensional array and Array of Arrays in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/597720/what-is-differences-between-multidimensional-array-and-array-of-arrays-in-c with IL disassembler you will see that storage and retrieval from jagged or single dimensional arrays are simple IL.. IL_0003 ldarg.2 IL_0004 ldarg.3 IL_0005 stelem.i4 IL_0006 ret end of method Program SetElementAt .method private hidebysig.. void int32 0... 0... Set int32 int32 int32 IL_0009 ret end of method Program SetElementAt When using jagged arrays..
What is quicker, switch on string or elseif on type? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/94305/what-is-quicker-switch-on-string-or-elseif-on-type CreateSwitcher Dictionary RuntimeTypeHandle NodeHandler ret new Dictionary RuntimeTypeHandle NodeHandler ret typeof Bob.. ret new Dictionary RuntimeTypeHandle NodeHandler ret typeof Bob .TypeHandle HandleBob ret typeof Jill .TypeHandle.. NodeHandler ret typeof Bob .TypeHandle HandleBob ret typeof Jill .TypeHandle HandleJill ret typeof Marko .TypeHandle..