c# Programming Glossary: result1
Order of LINQ extension methods does not affect performance? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10110013/order-of-linq-extension-methods-does-not-affect-performance x x.Text.Contains 10000 sw2.Stop var result1 String.Format FirstOrDefault after 0 FirstOrDefault before 1.. after 0 FirstOrDefault before 1 sw1.Elapsed sw2.Elapsed result1 FirstOrDefault after 00 00 03.3169683 FirstOrDefault before..
Replace parameter in lambda expression http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11159697/replace-parameter-in-lambda-expression new Foo Expression Func int exp foo.a foo.a foo.b string result1 GetResult exp gets v_001 v_001 v_002 List Foo foes new List..
Why differs floating-point precision in C# when separated by parantheses and when separated by statements? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2491161/why-differs-floating-point-precision-in-c-sharp-when-separated-by-parantheses-an I stumbled on an odd situation in my C# code. Why aren't result1 and result2 the exact same floating point value here const float.. A Arbitrary value const float B Arbitrary value float result1 A B dt float result2 A B result2 dt From this page I figured..
SCOPE_IDENTITY in C# - range http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3913115/scope-identity-in-c-sharp-range oCmd2.ExecuteScalar oCnn.Close messageBox.Show result1 resultOne.ToString Environment.NewLine result2 resultTwo.ToString..
Calculating Distance between two Latitude and Longitude GeoCoordinates http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6366408/calculating-distance-between-two-latitude-and-longitude-geocoordinates var dLatitude eLatitudeRadians sLatitudeRadians var result1 Math.Pow Math.Sin dLatitude 2.0 2.0 Math.Cos sLatitudeRadians.. the earth var result2 3956.0 2.0 Math.Atan2 Math.Sqrt result1 Math.Sqrt 1.0 result1 return result2 What could I be doing wrong.. 3956.0 2.0 Math.Atan2 Math.Sqrt result1 Math.Sqrt 1.0 result1 return result2 What could I be doing wrong Should I calculate..