

c# Programming Glossary: gridviewrow

How to reduce memory consumption of PdfPTable with many cells


PdfPTable table new PdfPTable nbColumnToDisplay foreach GridViewRow row in gridView.Rows j 0 for int i 0 i gridView.HeaderRow.Cells.Count..

Problem with Efficient Gridview paging without datasource control


base.OnSorting e protected override void InitializePager GridViewRow row int columnSpan PagedDataSource pagedDataSource This method..

FTP handler page, call string from aspx help with method to initialize handler page


property of the e argument passed to this event handler. GridViewRow row GridView1.Rows GridView1.SelectedIndex PhotoPath row.Cells..

Looping through GridView rows and Checking Checkbox Control


gridview share improve this question Loop like foreach GridViewRow row in grid.Rows if CheckBox row.FindControl chkboxid .Checked..

Count total rows of gridview with pagination


for int intRow 0 intRow intTotalRows intRow foreach GridViewRow Row in appForVacGrid.Rows CheckBox objSendMail CheckBox Row.FindControl..

Making an entire row clickable in a gridview


void OnPreRender EventArgs e base.OnPreRender e foreach GridViewRow row in Rows if row.RowType DataControlRowType.DataRow continue.. Render HtmlTextWriter writer base.Render writer foreach GridViewRow row in Rows if row.RowType DataControlRowType.DataRow Page.ClientScript.RegisterForEventValidation..

How to find control in TemplateField of GridView?


below Protected void grvYourOpt_RowDataBound object sender GridViewRowEventArgs e if e.Row.RowType DataControlRowType.DataRow string.. share improve this question Try this foreach GridViewRow row in GridView1.Rows if row.RowType DataControlRowType.DataRow.. this protected void GridView1_RowDataBound object sender GridViewRowEventArgs e if e.Row.RowType DataControlRowType.DataRow HyperLink..