

c# Programming Glossary: grid.columndefinitions

Complex UI inside ListBoxItem


1 BorderBrush Gray CornerRadius 8 Padding 4 0 4 0 Grid Grid.ColumnDefinitions ColumnDefinition Width 50 ColumnDefinition Grid.ColumnDefinitions.. ColumnDefinition Width 50 ColumnDefinition Grid.ColumnDefinitions Grid.RowDefinitions RowDefinition RowDefinition RowDefinition..

How to Draw line/s between Two DataGridView Controls


DataGridConnectors Height 300 Width 300 Grid x Name Root Grid.ColumnDefinitions ColumnDefinition ColumnDefinition ColumnDefinition Grid.ColumnDefinitions.. ColumnDefinition ColumnDefinition ColumnDefinition Grid.ColumnDefinitions ItemsControl ItemsSource Binding VisibleConnectors Grid.ColumnSpan..

Implementing a log viewer with WPF


x Type local LogEntry Grid IsSharedSizeScope True Grid.ColumnDefinitions ColumnDefinition SharedSizeGroup Index Width Auto ColumnDefinition.. SharedSizeGroup Date Width Auto ColumnDefinition Grid.ColumnDefinitions TextBlock Text Binding DateTime Grid.Column 0 FontWeight Bold.. local CollapsibleLogEntry Grid IsSharedSizeScope True Grid.ColumnDefinitions ColumnDefinition SharedSizeGroup Index Width Auto ColumnDefinition..

WPF Data Binding - Example of “Custom Type Descriptor”


winfx 2006 xaml Title Window1 Height 300 Width 300 Grid Grid.ColumnDefinitions ColumnDefinition Width Auto ColumnDefinition Width Grid.ColumnDefinitions.. ColumnDefinition Width Auto ColumnDefinition Width Grid.ColumnDefinitions Grid.RowDefinitions RowDefinition Height Auto RowDefinition..

C# Metro (XAML) : Designing the page for any (% of the) screen


about previously with two columns for the entire page Grid.ColumnDefinitions ColumnDefinition Width 2 ColumnDefinition Width Grid.ColumnDefinitions.. ColumnDefinition Width 2 ColumnDefinition Width Grid.ColumnDefinitions on the first column of the page I have the MediaElement with.. with two column each containing a StackPanel of buttons Grid.ColumnDefinitions ColumnDefinition Width ColumnDefinition Width Grid.ColumnDefinitions..

How do you disable Aero Snap in an application?


window RowDefinition Height Auto Grid.RowDefinitions Grid.ColumnDefinitions ColumnDefinition Width Auto ColumnDefinition Width Binding.. OneWay ElementName window ColumnDefinition Width Auto Grid.ColumnDefinitions GridSplitter Grid.Column 1 Grid.Row 1 HorizontalAlignment Left..

How do I keep aspect ratio on scalable, scrollable content in WPF?


Height Grid.RowDefinition Height Grid.RowDefinitions Grid.ColumnDefinitions Grid.ColumnDefinition Width Grid.ColumnDefinition Width Grid.ColumnDefinition.. Height Grid.RowDefinition Height Grid.RowDefinitions Grid.ColumnDefinitions Grid.ColumnDefinition Width Grid.ColumnDefinition Width Grid.ColumnDefinition..

How to make a Template Window in WPF?


0.93 RowDefinition Height Auto Grid.RowDefinitions Grid.ColumnDefinitions ColumnDefinition Width 0.21 ColumnDefinition Width 0.79 Grid.ColumnDefinitions.. ColumnDefinition Width 0.21 ColumnDefinition Width 0.79 Grid.ColumnDefinitions ContentPresenter Grid.ColumnSpan 2 Grid.Row 1 Content TemplateBinding..