

c# Programming Glossary: grid.row

Cannot find the memory leak


is the xaml Grid x Name LayoutRoot Background Transparent Grid.RowDefinitions RowDefinition Height RowDefinition Height Auto Grid.RowDefinitions.. RowDefinition Height RowDefinition Height Auto Grid.RowDefinitions Image Grid.Row 0 x Name ImageHolder Height Auto Width.. RowDefinition Height Auto Grid.RowDefinitions Image Grid.Row 0 x Name ImageHolder Height Auto Width Auto Stretch Uniform..

Set focus on textbox in WPF from view model (C#) & wPF


Width Binding ActualWidth ElementName border Grid.Column 1 Grid.Row 0 VerticalAlignment Top Margin 0 5 0 0 HorizontalAlignment Stretch.. searchCompany Content Search Width 80 Grid.Column 2 Grid.Row 0 VerticalAlignment Top Margin 0 HorizontalAlignment Left IsEnabled..

Complex UI inside ListBoxItem


Width 50 ColumnDefinition Grid.ColumnDefinitions Grid.RowDefinitions RowDefinition RowDefinition RowDefinition .. RowDefinition RowDefinition RowDefinition Grid.RowDefinitions CheckBox Grid.Column 1 Content Is Active Customer.. Customer IsChecked Binding IsActive Label Content Id Grid.Row 1 HorizontalAlignment Right Label Content Name Grid.Row 2..

Implementing a log viewer with WPF


Date Width Auto ColumnDefinition Grid.ColumnDefinitions Grid.RowDefinitions RowDefinition Height Auto RowDefinition Grid.RowDefinitions.. RowDefinition Height Auto RowDefinition Grid.RowDefinitions TextBlock Text Binding DateTime Grid.Column 0 FontWeight.. 2 TextWrapping Wrap ToggleButton x Name Expander Grid.Row 1 Grid.Column 0 VerticalAlignment Top Content HorizontalAlignment..

WPF WebBrowser Control - position:fixed Element jumps while scrolling (Windows 8)


Stretch Name webBrowser VerticalAlignment Stretch Grid.Row 1 Grid Window Demo Page HTML DOCTYPE html html head meta http..

Using LibTiff from C# (to access tiled TIFF images)


How do you disable Aero Snap in an application?


dragging top grip x Array Window.Resources Grid Grid.RowDefinitions RowDefinition Height Auto RowDefinition Height.. Mode OneWay ElementName window RowDefinition Height Auto Grid.RowDefinitions Grid.ColumnDefinitions ColumnDefinition Width Auto.. Auto Grid.ColumnDefinitions GridSplitter Grid.Column 1 Grid.Row 1 HorizontalAlignment Left MinWidth 5 GridSplitter Grid.Column..

How to bind a table in a dataset to a WPF datagrid in C# and XAML


for me In XAML I include the DataGrid WpfToolkit DataGrid Grid.Row 4 Grid.Column 0 ItemsSource Binding Path GridData Mode OneWay..

Loading XAML XML through runtime?


10 BorderThickness 4 BorderBrush RoyalBlue Grid Grid.RowDefinitions RowDefinition Height Auto RowDefinition RowDefinition.. Auto RowDefinition RowDefinition Height Auto RowDefinition Grid.RowDefinitions TextBlock Text Sample Text Foreground White Margin.. Sample Text Foreground White Margin 2 TextBlock TextBox Grid.Row 1 Margin 5 TextBox TextBlock Text Sample Text 1 Grid.Row 2 Foreground..

How to access a specific item in a Listbox with DataTemplate?


invisible and the TextBox gets visible. XAML CODE ListBox Grid.Row 1 Name ContactListBox VerticalAlignment Stretch HorizontalAlignment..