c# Programming Glossary: drow
Update requires a valid InsertCommand when passed DataRow collection with new rows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4105420/update-requires-a-valid-insertcommand-when-passed-datarow-collection-with-new-ro . Here is my code ds1 is my Dataset da1 is my data adapter dRow ds1.Tables localitati .NewRow dRow 1 aux1.Replace .Replace .ToLower.. da1 is my data adapter dRow ds1.Tables localitati .NewRow dRow 1 aux1.Replace .Replace .ToLower dRow 2 aux2.ToLower .Replace.. localitati .NewRow dRow 1 aux1.Replace .Replace .ToLower dRow 2 aux2.ToLower .Replace dRow 3 aux1 dRow 4 e.X dRow 5 e.Y ds1.Tables..
Best way to remove duplicate entries from a data table http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4415519/best-way-to-remove-duplicate-entries-from-a-data-table a list of duplicate items from datatable. foreach DataRow dRow in duplicateList dTable.Rows.Remove dRow Datatable which contains.. foreach DataRow dRow in duplicateList dTable.Rows.Remove dRow Datatable which contains unique records will be return as output...