c# Programming Glossary: dropping
Is there any scenario where the Rope data structure is more efficient than a string builder http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1863440/is-there-any-scenario-where-the-rope-data-structure-is-more-efficient-than-a-str use of the API requires treating it as a rope not just dropping in a rope as a backing implementation on the 'normal' string..
How in .Net do I Import Values from a CSV in the format I want using OleDB? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/237763/how-in-net-do-i-import-values-from-a-csv-in-the-format-i-want-using-oledb they are numbers they appear to be imported as integers dropping off the leading zeroes . Example Data 0000000000079 0000999000012..
Paging with LINQ for objects http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2380413/paging-with-linq-for-objects remainder Take returns the first N elements in the result dropping any remaining elements. See MSDN for more information on how..
What's the fastest way to bulk insert a lot of data in SQL Server (C# client) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24200/whats-the-fastest-way-to-bulk-insert-a-lot-of-data-in-sql-server-c-client PK index while doing the inserts as opposed to dropping the constraint entirely for import Chopeen The data is being.. against the table during the import process I will try dropping the primary key and see if that helps. c# sql sql server sql..
C# Drag-and-Drop: Show the dragged item while dragging http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3240603/c-sharp-drag-and-drop-show-the-dragged-item-while-dragging a new control or continuously if that control supports dropping. public static void UpdateCursor object sender GiveFeedbackEventArgs..
hook on default “Paste” event of WinForms TextBox control http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3446233/hook-on-default-paste-event-of-winforms-textbox-control improve this question While I would normally not suggest dropping to low level Windows API and this may not be the only way of..
Getting RGB array from image in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4747428/getting-rgb-array-from-image-in-c-sharp using an older flavor change this to a regular method by dropping the 'this' from the Bitmap argument public static void getRGB..
C# - Merge two DataTables where rows are duplicate http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6833454/c-sharp-merge-two-datatables-where-rows-are-duplicate find lots of information about merging two DataTables and dropping duplicate rows but I need the opposite. I need to know if anyone..
Erratic Invalid Viewstate issue in a .NET application http://stackoverflow.com/questions/728513/erratic-invalid-viewstate-issue-in-a-net-application Invalid Webresource.axd parameters being generated IE 8 dropping memory pages http forums.asp.net t 1373410.aspx PageIndex 1..
PDF Compression http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8740244/pdf-compression looping over the xobjects and getting the images and then dropping the DPI down to 96 or using the libjpeg C# implimentation to..