c# Programming Glossary: duplex
Detecting Client Death in WCF Duplex Contracts http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1427926/detecting-client-death-in-wcf-duplex-contracts to detect some of these things. c# wcf callback duplex nettcpbinding share improve this question In his 'Programming..
Could not find a base address that matches scheme net.tcp http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1793119/could-not-find-a-base-address-that-matches-scheme-net-tcp to netTcpBinding as I am trying to set up a duplex mode channel. I have also started my net.tcp port sharing service... in my web app. Thanks again. c# wcf duplex net.tcp share improve this question You need to define just..
WCF Windows Service - Long operations/Callback to calling module http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2400263/wcf-windows-service-long-operations-callback-to-calling-module share improve this question WCF does indeed offer duplex bindings which allow you to specify a callback contract so that.. tends to be much more stable and less error prone that a duplex callback contract based system in my opinion. share improve..
Mysterious Problem in WCF and IIS? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4265033/mysterious-problem-in-wcf-and-iis Problem in WCF and IIS Hi I wrote WCF duplex service . This service work Fine in Visual studio but when I..
HTML5 WebSockets Client for .NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4985629/html5-websockets-client-for-net is still in DRAFT version but quite well supported. Full duplex bi directional communication. I know how to use it via JavaScript..
How to handle WCF exceptions (consolidated list with code) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6130331/how-to-handle-wcf-exceptions-consolidated-list-with-code catch ObjectDisposedException todo handle this duplex callback exception. Occurs when client disappears. Source http.. questions 1427926 detecting client death in wcf duplex contracts 1428238#1428238 finally if success proxy.Abort.. success proxy.Abort c# wcf exception using statement duplex share improve this question After tinkering around with..
How can a Metro app in Windows 8 communicate with a backend desktop app on the same machine? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7465517/how-can-a-metro-app-in-windows-8-communicate-with-a-backend-desktop-app-on-the-s support named pipes. I ended up using TcpBinding for full duplex connection. This post describes what functionality is supported...
Getting EndpointNotFoundException with NetNamedPipeBinding in C#; Need To Create Global Named Pipe http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7477813/getting-endpointnotfoundexception-with-netnamedpipebinding-in-c-need-to-create A named pipe has a name and can be used for one way or duplex communication between processes on a single machine. When communication..
SignalR doesn't use Session on server http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7854663/signalr-doesnt-use-session-on-server meaning you won't really get the benefit from SignalR duplex messaging anymore as one request will block the other e.g. in..