c# Programming Glossary: url
Parse JSON in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1212344/parse-json-in-c-sharp GwebSearch unescapedUrl http www.cheese.com url http www.cheese.com visibleUrl www.cheese.com cacheUrl http.. GwebSearch unescapedUrl http en.wikipedia.org wiki Cheese url http en.wikipedia.org wiki Cheese visibleUrl en.wikipedia.org.. GwebSearch unescapedUrl http www.ilovecheese.com url http www.ilovecheese.com visibleUrl www.ilovecheese.com cacheUrl..
Convert webpage to image from ASP.NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2715385/convert-webpage-to-image-from-asp-net m_FileName string.Empty public WebsiteToImage string url Without file m_Url url public WebsiteToImage string url string.. public WebsiteToImage string url Without file m_Url url public WebsiteToImage string url string fileName With file.. url Without file m_Url url public WebsiteToImage string url string fileName With file m_Url url m_FileName fileName public..
How do I build a JSON object to send to an AJAX WebService? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2737525/how-do-i-build-a-json-object-to-send-to-an-ajax-webservice .ajax type POST contentType application json charset utf 8 url http bmccorm xp HBUpsAddressValidation AddressValidation.asmx.. .ajax type POST contentType application json charset utf 8 url http bmccorm xp HBUpsAddressValidation AddressValidation.asmx..
HTTP request with post http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4015324/http-request-with-post using var wb new WebClient var response wb.DownloadString url Simple POST request using var wb new WebClient var data new..
ASP.NET MVC $.post call returning string…need help with format for jqGrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4101116/asp-net-mvc-post-call-returning-string-need-help-with-format-for-jqgrid using jQuery like so var destinations .ajax type POST url ' Url.Action GetDestinations Logger ' dataType json async.. specially for the usage in AJAX. The dataUrl defines url provided results in the form like select option value 1 One..
WebBrowser Control in a new thread http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4269800/webbrowser-control-in-a-new-thread thread.Start uriItem public static void Click object o var url UriItem o Console.WriteLine @ Clicking url.Link var clicker.. object o var url UriItem o Console.WriteLine @ Clicking url.Link var clicker new WebBrowser ScriptErrorsSuppressed true.. BrowseComplete if String.IsNullOrEmpty url.Link return if url.Link.Equals about blank return if url.Link.StartsWith..
How to build a query string for a URL in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/829080/how-to-build-a-query-string-for-a-url-in-c clean way you know of doing the above Boaz c# .net url query string share improve this question If you look under..
C# Login to Website via program http://stackoverflow.com/questions/930807/c-sharp-login-to-website-via-program formUrl req.ContentType application x www form urlencoded req.Method POST byte bytes Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes formParams.. to be logged in for. string pageSource string getUrl the url of the page behind the login WebRequest getRequest WebRequest.Create..
URL mapping with C# HttpListener http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10017564/url-mapping-with-c-sharp-httplistener mapping with C# HttpListener In the code below I'm waiting.. ctx .ProcessRequest .Start Is it possible to map specific URL patterns to different behaviour I want achieve a REST style..
How to secure an ASP.NET Web API http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11775594/how-to-secure-an-asp-net-web-api HTTP verb GET POST PUT DELETE. post data and query string URL Under the hood HMAC authentication would be Consumer sends a..
Parse JSON in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1212344/parse-json-in-c-sharp JSON data from the Google AJAX Search API. I have this URL and I'd like to break it down so that the results are displayed...
Simple 2 way encryption for C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/165808/simple-2-way-encryption-for-c-sharp e g. I've built Encrypt Decrypt methods that work with URL friendly string . It also has the methods that work with byte.. some text and return a string suitable for passing in a URL. public string EncryptToString string TextValue return ByteArrToString.. results in character values that cannot be passed in a URL. So instead I just lay out all of the byte values in a long..
How to start a process from C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/181719/how-to-start-a-process-from-c from C# How to start a process such as launching a URL when the user clicks a button c# .net windows process process.start..
HTML.ActionLink method http://stackoverflow.com/questions/200476/html-actionlink-method routes.MapRoute Default Route name controller action id URL with parameters new controller Home action Index id Parameter..
Creating application shortcut in a directory http://stackoverflow.com/questions/234231/creating-application-shortcut-in-a-directory would be a .lnk file to the specified application or URL. c# .net file io shortcut share improve this question It's..
how to post data to specific URL using WebClient in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5401501/how-to-post-data-to-specific-url-using-webclient-in-c-sharp to post data to specific URL using WebClient in C# I need to use HTTP Post with WebClient.. HTTP Post with WebClient to post some data to a specific URL I have. Now I know this can be accomplished with WebRequest..
Developing Internet Explorer Extensions? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5643819/developing-internet-explorer-extensions Text void OnDocumentComplete object pDisp ref object URL try @Eric Stob Thanks for this hint This will prevent this.. changing the string to be highlighted you must click the URL box and press Enter... F5 will not work I think that it is because..
How to build a query string for a URL in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/829080/how-to-build-a-query-string-for-a-url-in-c to build a query string for a URL in C# A common task when calling web resources from a code..
C# How can I check if a URL exists/is valid? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/924679/c-sharp-how-can-i-check-if-a-url-exists-is-valid How can I check if a URL exists is valid I am making a simple program in visual c# 2005.. history for the specified ticker symbol. I know the exact URL that I need to acquire the data and if the user inputs an existing.. class but didn't see anything I could use to test a URL. How can I do this c# validation url share improve this question..
C# Login to Website via program http://stackoverflow.com/questions/930807/c-sharp-login-to-website-via-program PageModule UsersAction Action UsersLogin NOTE This is the URL the form POSTs to not the URL of the form you can find this.. UsersLogin NOTE This is the URL the form POSTs to not the URL of the form you can find this in the action attribute of the..
Example using Hyperlink in WPF http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10238694/example-using-hyperlink-in-wpf mc Ignorable d x Class BookmarkWizV2.InfoPanels.Windows.UrlProperties Title UrlProperties Height 754 Width 576 Grid Grid.RowDefinitions.. Class BookmarkWizV2.InfoPanels.Windows.UrlProperties Title UrlProperties Height 754 Width 576 Grid Grid.RowDefinitions RowDefinition.. DockPanel LastChildFill True Margin 0 5 TextBlock Text Url Margin 5 DockPanel.Dock Left VerticalAlignment Center TextBox..
What's the best way to create a short hash, similiar to what tiny Url does? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1116860/whats-the-best-way-to-create-a-short-hash-similiar-to-what-tiny-url-does the best way to create a short hash similiar to what tiny Url does I'm currently using MD5 hashes but I would like to find..
Recommended ServiceStack API Structure http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15231537/recommended-servicestack-api-structure operation a distinct message. Use a logical hierarchical Url structure I'd use a logical Url structure that I aim to represent.. Use a logical hierarchical Url structure I'd use a logical Url structure that I aim to represent the identifier of a noun which..
{"<user xmlns=''> was not expected.} Deserializing Twitter XML http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1556874/user-xmlns-was-not-expected-deserializing-twitter-xml ElementName profile_image_url public string ProfileImageUrl get set XmlElement ElementName url public string Url get set.. get set XmlElement ElementName url public string Url get set XmlElement ElementName protected public bool Protected.. public string ProfileBackgroundImageUrl get set XmlElement ElementName profile_background_tile public..
C# Byte[] to Url Friendly String http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1886686/c-sharp-byte-to-url-friendly-string Byte to Url Friendly String I'm working on a quick captcha generator for.. friendly string I know all about System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode and its equivalents however they only work properly with.. but causes the HTTP 400 I've also tried HttpUtility.UrlPathEncode on a base64 string but that doesn't seem to do the..
Characters in string changed after downloading HTML from the internet http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2700638/characters-in-string-changed-after-downloading-html-from-the-internet set public WebHeaderCollection Headers get set public Uri Url get set public HttpDownloader string url string referer string.. string userAgent Encoding Encoding.GetEncoding ISO 8859 1 Url new Uri url verify the uri _userAgent userAgent _referer referer.. HttpWebRequest request HttpWebRequest WebRequest.Create Url if string.IsNullOrEmpty _referer request.Referer _referer if..
Detect WebBrowser complete page loading http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2777878/detect-webbrowser-complete-page-loading in DocumentCompleted and check the Url property and compare that to the Url of the main page. share..
How to pass a function as a parameter in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/380198/how-to-pass-a-function-as-a-parameter-in-c of the name for two reasons the ability to use the proxy's Url property and a compiler error if the web service doesn't exist..
How does C# 5.0's async-await feature differ from the TPL? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4054263/how-does-c-sharp-5-0s-async-await-feature-differ-from-the-tpl Lippert's code from here async void ArchiveDocuments List Url urls Task archive null for int i 0 i urls.Count i var document.. as easily be written like this void ArchiveDocuments List Url urls for int i 0 i urls.Count i var document FetchAsync urls..
How could the new async feature in c# 5.0 be implemented with call/cc? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4070237/how-could-the-new-async-feature-in-c-sharp-5-0-be-implemented-with-call-cc from Eric Lippert's post async void ArchiveDocuments List Url urls Task archive null for int i 0 i urls.Count i var document..
How to Download the File using HttpWebRequest and HttpWebResponse class(Cookies,Credentials,etc.) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4699938/how-to-download-the-file-using-httpwebrequest-and-httpwebresponse-classcookies tracked using credentials cookies. I'm Having the Exact Url of the File to be downloaded and credentials. If you want to..
URL Encoding using C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/575440/url-encoding-using-c-sharp c# .net urlencode share improve this question UrlEncoding will do what you are suggesting here. With C# you simply.. for example to replace with the correct characters. Since UrlEncode does this up front it is rather easy. As for Linux versus.. that as the folder name can be returned by decoding the Url string using UrlDecode so you can round trip the changes. share..
Using WebClient in C# is there a way to get the URL of a site after being redirected? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/690587/using-webclient-in-c-sharp-is-there-a-way-to-get-the-url-of-a-site-after-being-r tinyurl.com dbysxp I'm clearly going to want to get the Url I'm redirected to. QUESTIONS Is there a way to do this using..
MVC Custom Authentication, Authorization, and Roles Implementation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8567358/mvc-custom-authentication-authorization-and-roles-implementation UserSessionInfoViewModel Email user.Email Name user.Name Url user.Url Gravatar user.Gravatar if user.GetType typeof User.. Email user.Email Name user.Name Url user.Url Gravatar user.Gravatar if user.GetType typeof User roles go.. get return FirstName LastName public string AvatarUrl get set public int TimezoneUtcOffset get set Any other data..